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You can stop talking to yourself as well. Cubbie is not here for you to pretend you’re conversing with him, as usual.

“You stop talking to me, in that case! Idiot.”

My point exactly.

Dargus groaned in frustration and relaxed back into the comfy pilot seat, tail draped over his closed eyes. He knew what he had to do but was too afraid to do it. It seemed simple enough: go back to Lia, tell her they were meant to be together until death took them, kiss and pet her to make up. Then give in to the wild desire tormenting them both and eventually fall asleep in a tangle of limbs in his nest.

Except it wasn’t so simple. For starters, he didn’t have a nest anymore, thanks to the motherfrucking Nibiruans. They had probably decided to stop him for a check by the Solar System’s unofficial border because they were envious of hisDickion. Big yet maneuverable, sturdy and always up for a challenge, his ship caught the single, two, three or more eyes of most systems’ residents.

But more importantly, he was bound to fruck everything up the sechiona he opened his mouth in front of Lia. He had nearly ruined everything with his poor excuse for a presentation on his plan for the gala. And that had been in his area of expertise.

He couldn’t even begin to imagine how he’d butcher the explanation about the Three’s sacred seed being spent across the galaxy. About a creature with tentacles instead of hands meeting another with three heads and no legs. About them mating for life because their body and spirit recognized each other as one…

No. No way couldheexplain the mythology behind true matings to someone who one planet rotation ago didn’t even know space travel was a thing.

Then there was the fear of getting rejected. His inability to explain things properly out of nerves in the presence of a gorgeous female had already resulted in Lia pointing his own pulser at his head. What if she told him to go fruck himself now, because she didn’t understand the sacred bond? What if she didn’t believe in it, given that she had stopped believing in love back on Terra? He could show her his mating marks, but he had no way of proving those hadn’t been on his chest until after he had met his pumpkin.

For the Three’s sake, Dargus himself had trouble believing he was a marked male now. Not because the signs had not been there: the pull he felt towards Lia; her scent being as intoxicating to him as fermented bersies; the pleasure he felt at merely being in her presence, at hearing her laugh, at seeing her eat what he had provided; how possessive and protective of her he felt…

No, he had trouble processing his mated status because he had never thought he would be blessed with a mate, let alone a true mate. What were the chances, with his life being dedicated to work and his experience with females being limited to several paid visits to pleasure planets in the twelve years of his mature life?

Those who were given the sign of the Three were respected and envied for a reason. There were frucking few of them compared to the densely populated Milky Way. And now both Dargus and his brother got to find their true mates? And in the course of monthionas from each other? Aaand precisely when Dargus had broken the intergalactic law for the first time in his ten years on the job?Yeah, right. Either the universe was trying to tell him something or…

He groaned and ran his claws through his hair. His head hurt from all this thinking.

Or from you banging it into the navigation console.

He sighed. Either way, he was getting nowhere like this.

Well, hewasgetting to Funk’fru but only because he had already set the course on the autopilot. But where to from there? How could he take his true mate, his one and only female in this lifetime, the most captivating female he’d ever met, to the most dangerous place for a Terran in this galaxy?

On the other hand, how could he let his selfishness doom so many to a life of slavery at the hands and pincers of the criminal masterminds he had vowed to stop?

He had to talk to Lia. Explain everything as best he could and let her decide. About their mating, about their next move, about everything. Females knew best, hadn’t the wise T’kala told him so?

Dargus pushed himself off the pilot seat with determination, stepped away from it and… brought the nestroom camera feeds on the console’s holodisplay.

Just so he could make sure Lia was not asleep or otherwise occupied. It would be bad if he woke her up, in case she was as extra-cranky as a pulser-stunned Cubbie upon awakening, right?


Dargus’ tail froze when he discovered she was not in the nestroom. He knew Lia couldn’t have left the room, since he was yet to add her biosignature to the ship’s biolock database. She had to be in the cleansing unit. And yet, he found himself switching to the camera feed inside the unit to make sure.

Great. So, you’re a cowardanda pervert.

What was wrong with checking whether his true mate was okay? After all, she had never used a spaceship’s cleansing unit before. And he had certainly not explained to her how things worked in there. What if Lia was washing her face with the particle-disintegrating solution? Or using the sluicing cabin as an expeller? He shuddered at the very idea, particularly after what he had fed her earlier.

So, as a good and caring true mate, Dargus had to check on Lia in the cleansing unit. Only for a sechiona or two to see what she was doing. Then he would turn the camera off and go talk to her… If the moment was right, of course. Because if she was naked, there would be no talking involved.

It took his eyes two sechionas to take in the holofeed displayed before him. And another two for his main brain to catch up.

“She’s naked!”

Lia had her back turned to the camera, the glass of the spherical sluicing cabin hiding nothing from his eyes. From the dark-orange of her wet hair through her flared hips and generous bottom to her straight long legs, Lia was his fantasy-turned-reality. Averting his eyes was impossible.

You must! You promised! This is wrong, and you should be ashamed of yourself!

“She’s mine!” Dargus growled.
