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Talking to himself or not, that was true: she was his, and he was hers. They belonged to each other. So, there was nothing wrong in looking his fill.

Plus, Lia had already seen his nipples, and here he was ogling her backside only. The moment she began to turn towards the camera, he would switch the holofeed off, like the honorable male that he was.

“Here, I’ll even place my tuft over the turn-off button, to be ready.”

That’s the zoom-in button, you moron.

Dargus frowned. What was his tail doing over the zoom–

“She’s turning!”

Three help him, Lia would be facing the camera in a milisechiona, all of her female weapons on full display!

His finger reached for the turn-off button at the same time as his tuft descended on the zoom-in.

The end result? His brother’s grinning face. Zoomed-in.

“Dargus! How’s my newly truly mated little bro?”

“Why are you calling, Bargus?”

“Why are you growling, Dargus? Aaah, I must have interrupted your smexy time… But you’re dressed… Is my future sister-in-mating under the navigation console, giving you a blow–”

“Are you calling just to mock me?”

Dargus knew he was being unfair. Just because Bargus had interrupted something he should not have been doing in the first place, Dargus should not be snarling at his brother. In fact, he should be thanking Bargus for calling at the right moment.

His brother arched one thin black eyebrow. “I’m calling because you asked for my help, little bro. ‘Here’s the retro vid, Bargus, send it to this Terran comms number; btw, mating marks! Freaking out here, tail in knots. Advice?’ Does that ring any onboard bells for you?”

Oops.Dargus had totally forgotten about that message. Or, more precisely, he had sent it on autopilot without realizing what he was doing. He had been too overwhelmed by the discovery of his mating marks mere minuionas earlier.

“Right. Sorry, big bro. I’ve not been myself since the marks.”

Bargus chuckled. “No need for apologies. Been there, done that, remember? My sympathies, little bro… and congratulations!” He added the last bit with a roar that made Dargus’ ears flatten. “Why the droopy tail? Still in the oh-fruck-I’m-no-longer-single phase? Because that will pass quickly, little bro. Remember it took me one planetary rotation, and I had been living the promiscuous life beforehand. As the most chaste Luvian in the galaxy, you’ll adapt in no time. Have you claimed your Terran already?”

Dargus bit his upper lip.

“Aaah, now I know what’s gotten your tail in a twist. The female is giving you ahardtime, isn’t she? Leaving you with a bad case of orange balls, like my merciless T’kala did for a whole planetary rotation?

“I heard that,” T’kala herself joined the conversation.

Or, rather, Bargus’ monologue.What were you thinking, Dargus, asking your brother for advice on mating? He’s nearly as bad at it as you!

His sister-in-mating’s slender green-skinned figure appeared beside Bargus. Dressed in nothing but a teats-holder and a matching red tutu, all her five tentacles falling freely down her elongated head, T’kala must have just gotten out of the nest.

“Hi, Dar, and congratulations on finding your forever love! I’m so happy for you. If anyone deserves this blessing, that’s you.”

“And I don’t, mate?” Bargus grumbled. Then he grinned and pulled T’kala down onto his lap. “That’s better.”

She rolled her three yellow eyes and exchanged a see-what-I-have-to-deal-with-here look with Dargus. Getting comfortable in her new seat, she continued. “Here’s some advice from me, Dar: don’t listen to your brother… Don’t you scrunch your nose at me, Fuzzy! I let you claim me for the first time mere twenty-eight ionas after we met, and you’re calling me merciless? Utter nonsense!... So. Dar, it’s normal for a female to wait before affirming the sacred bond between you. Although the urge to claim and be claimed is equally strong on both sides, we Milky Way females tend to use our heads more. Don’t think there’s something wrong with you if your true mate doesn’t impale herself on your cocks right away.”

Dargus barely resisted the urge to hide his eyes behind his tail. Couldn’t Bargus and T’kala be any more blunt when the sensitive topic of claiming was involved?... Unfortunately, he had no one else to ask about this, so he simply had to go with the flow.

“My true mate has already initiated a claiming… twice,” he admitted, embarrassed to the tip of his tail. “The first time we were interrupted by a Nibiruan patrol–”

“Ugh, those sons of triplet-bearing unchaste females.”

“–and the second time I stopped the claiming.”
