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“I’m no coward. I’m going to fix this. Right now,” he told the darkened navigation console.

“You’d better,” a voice that wasn’t in his head replied. “Starting with this.”

Dargus swiveled in his seat.

A wet and cushion-clad Lia stood at the door. Pointing angrily at two small orange stripes peeking from her cleavage.



Emilia tried to calm down after she ended up abandoned and locked in the bed-less bedroom. She really tried. But it was as though Lady Luck had decided to have a good laugh at her expense.

First, her attempt to pee resulted in the innocent-looking glass bowl spraying her whole ass with ice-cold water. At least, she hoped it was water.

Next, she tried but failed to get water on her hands out of the tube over the bigger bowl. Using the clear liquid in the bottle-like container by the bowl instead, felt like dipping her skin in acid.

In her desperation, she stuck her burning hands in the toilet bowl. The liquid in there was clean, but that didn’t stop the bowl’s motion sensor or whatever from deciding more water had to be sprayed. In her face.

With her hair, face and ass wet, Emilia decided to go all out and brave the bubble-like shower cabin. Opening and closing its glass door tested her tech skills, and figuring out how to operate the holodisplay nearly made her give up. But eventually, she was enjoying warm water-like liquid washing some of the stress away. She even found a liquid soap dispenser that made bubbles and smelled of some exotic alien flower.

And right then, when she had calmed down enough to start humming Katy Perry’sE.T.while soaping up, she saw them.

Two dark-orange stripes extending from between her boobs.

Emilia had once planned on getting paw print tattoos on that spot like her teen idol’s, the rapper Eve. Except these were not tattoos but a miniature version of Dar’s stripes. And they had not been on her skin the last time she had had her t-shirt off.

As if that weren’t enough, she stormed out of the bathroom to discover Cubbie on a pinball spree, rolling and hitting walls left and right. Being stunned by the drag queen police must have screwed with the poor thing’s metabolism. He growled at her when she tried to stop him, and rolled out of the room when she attempted to talk him down.

That last development worked in her favor, at least. Emilia grabbed a cushion case as the closest piece of dry fabric at hand, and got out of the bedroom before the door could close in her face. She even managed to get to the bridge courtesy of Cubbie’s door-opening skills.

It was on the bridge, standing in a puddle from her haphazardly covered wet body, that the last shreds of calm left her.

Dar was telling other people about her trying to jump his bones twice, was having a chit chat about her and making plans for their future – all behind her back! Her mind registered the fact that he was painfully critical of himself, that he realized his mistake. However, she was too angry already to focus on the good parts of the eavesdropped conversation.

That was why she snapped the second he finished the holocall. She then declined his offer to sit her naked ass down on the pilot seat. No, she didn’t want to wait comfortably while Dar went to replicate some new clothes for her. No, she didn’t need to be dry, dressed, and sitting for his explanation. Yes, he was going to tell her everything about the ‘sacred bond’ right away, just like that.

A few minutes later, Emilia was staring at Dar as he rubbed the back of his neck, swished his tail at a dizzying speed, and smiled at her tentatively. She was no longer angry, but neither was she calm. Shocked? Amused? Elated? A bit scared? She couldn’t pick.

“Soul mates? We’re soul or fated mates, is that what you’re saying?”

“Um… I guess? My translator is having a hard time explaining those Terran phrases in a few words.”

Ugh, now is so not the time forLost in SpaceandLost in Translationto team up.“In other words, we’re meant for each other because ions ago some cosmic forces went around the galaxy, seeding intelligent life?”

“The Three, yes.”

“And something in my physiology has recognized something in yours because we’re both descendants of the Three’s creations?”

“We’re the perfect match, yes.” The more she asked, the more his big eyes filled with hope.

“We’ve all been designed to recognize the one we’re going to make the perfect babies with?”

“Yes, it happens right away, or after the true mates have spent some time with each other. Like in our case.”

“You feel it happen, like some deep knowing? Like a tingle in your very bones, even before the mating marks appear on your body?”

“Yes!” By this point, his smile had grown to epic proportions. “I knew you felt it like me. Did your chest burn from within too?”
