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Every time you were kissing the hell out of me. But that wasn’t the point here. “I don’t get it.”

His tail drooped.

“I’m sorry, Dar, but I don’t see what love has to do with this story. T’kala talked about ‘forever love’, you say we’re the perfect couple by the Three’s sign…”

“The perfect partners, yes?”

“What you’re talking about is purely physical attraction. Your biology speaking, demanding that you pass your genes over using the most virile partner available. And if anyone tells you otherwise, they’re probably the author of a sci-fi romance novel.”

Not that Emilia had read many of those. But the four books her roommate in college had given her had all been about the same thing. A super hot alien dude with a monster dick telling the heroine upon their very first meeting that she’s his because they’re fated mates. Followed by her saying, ‘Well… I don’t know… You haven’t even asked me my name yet.’ Two pages later, she is begging him to take her hard and fast, harder, harder! Another two pages and, ‘I love you so much! Let’s be together forever! Oh, and by the way? I’m pregnant!’


“Lia, I have not read any of these handbooks on extraterrestrial mating that you’re talking about. But I assume they, just like you, are talking about mates. Not true mates.” At her arched eyebrow, he elaborated, “You take a mate for companionship and procreation, but a true mate is for life. That’s your perfect match in every respect, not only physically.” His tail reached for Emilia. “The missing piece of your soul that you never know is missing until you meet her.” The soft ball of hair caressed her hand. “And once you do, you cannot imagine being without her. She’s the very air you breathe. The suns whose light nourishes you. The joy that fills your heart to bursting… Your everything.”

Emilia’s lips parted.

“If that isn’t love, pumpkin,” his tail gave her wrist a light squeeze, “I don’t know what is.”


Her breath hitched as he stepped closer. “How about we find out together? Would you embark on this journey with me, Lia? No abduction this time, just you willingly accepting my tuft?”

“Your… tuft?”

Emilia gaped as he knelt before her, knee landing in the puddle at her feet. “Lia. My pumpkin.” Dar looked up at her, hugging the cushion case to her chest with one arm as she was. He unwound his tail from her wrist.“Would you let me show you the galaxy while I feed you, water you, dress you in the finest non-replicated clothing, fulfill your every desire, cherish you, and discover the meaning of forever love with you?”

“Uhhh…” Emilia took in his eyes shining with hope and sincerity. His lips stretched into a tentative smile. The tuft nestled in his cupped hands that he held extended like an offering.

She wished she could believe in this love at first sight, the soul mates stuff of romance novels. She wished she could throw caution to the wind and simply say, ‘Fuck it, I’m marked, mated, and loving it’.

But she knew how real life worked. She had fallen for pretty words once and had been burned. Badly enough to be scarred for life. She could not allow herself to be swept into a fantasy. At least, not so easily.

I can give Dar a chance, though, can’t I? Just like I was considering while in the hidey-hole?

Emilia saw his gaze dim, his smile waver, and his tuft twitch at her silence, and she felt a pang in her heart.

Yes, I should give him a chance. Otherwise she’d be making no progress from the trauma of her last relationship. She had meant what she had said to her parents in that video. She wanted to start living in the here and now instead of letting both her present and future be ruined by her past mistakes. That didn’t mean living recklessly and making new gigantic mistakes, more like taking weighted risks. Thinking before leaping, but leaping nonetheless.

Wow, you’re so wise, Emi. I wonder how you ended up abducted, in space and with tiger stripes on your boobs?

Wise or not, she was going to give Dar a chance to woo her. See where the charming alien would take her while she kept her heart to herself in the process. If at the end of their suicidal adventure it turned out she had been played, at least she’d have enjoyed the journey without ending up in Brokenheartville.

If it turned out that the sign of three ancient aliens had pointed her in the direction of the love of her life, then… Emilia might be moving somewhere a little further than Brinsmingam.



Dargus couldn’t believe it.

In less than an iona, his life had made a full planetary turn. From a single, simple-striped Luvian he had turned into a mate-marks-bearing male with the most enthralling female letting his tail lead her to the nestroom.

How had the Three smiled upon him so, particularly after the messes he had made every step of the way since meeting Lia?

He wrapped his tail a little tighter around Lia’s wrist, the tuft resting against her palm. Whatever the reason for this blessing, Dargus would not waste a single opportunity to show his gratitude. Both to the Three in the temple on Funk’fru and to his female right away. And he would let his instincts guide him, for thanks to them had he won Lia over by offering her his tuft – the second most sensitive part of a Luvian’s body after his cocks.

Less thinking and advice-seeking, and more listening to your inner voice,Dargus, and you just might get your happily-mated-after.
