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Her laughter faded, and she bit her bottom lip again.

Cubbie chose that moment to whine.

“Sorry, furball, you can’t have everything.” Dargus petted the rabbisaurus, who was at his feet by the door in the blink of an eye. “It’s either Lia or me, choose quickly.”

Watery purple eyes stared up at him then at Lia, then at him again.


Dargus and Cubbie turned to look at Lia at the same time.

“…what if he doesn’t have to choose?”

A few minuionas later, Dargus was comfortably curled into a ball at the foot of the nest, two cushions away from the female of his dreams. A contented Cubbie was snuggled against the back of her head.

When they had settled onto the nest, Dargus had sensed Lia’s willingness to let him lie next to her. Nevertheless, he had ultimately decided to keep his distance. For if he didn’t, the dilemma he would be facing would not be whether to cuddle with her or not. It would be whether to ravish her or to… ravish her. There was simply no way he could be close to her and keep his hands to himself.

Even now, at the other end of the nest from Lia, Dargus was having trouble keeping his cocks in the pants he had kept on as an additional precaution. Her delectable scent, her soft breathing, her trusting him by letting him share the nest… He was in for a long sleeping cycle.

But it is frucking worth it.

“Goodnight, Dar.”

“Good cycle, my pumpkin.”



Emilia opened one eye with a tired groan. Something had awoken her but what?

Oh, right.

She swatted at her butt, hoping the tickling would stop.

It did.

She closed her eye.

Then it started again. Fine hairs moving up and down her ass cheek, tickling the naked flesh under her extravagant night dress.

Shouldn’t have gone sleeping commando with an alien pet, Emi.

“Cubbie, stop it,” she mumbled against her hard and warm pillow.

A chirp sounded from somewhere over her head.

The tickling against her ass continued.

Emilia jumped into a sitting position with a yelp.

“What is it, pumpkin? A nightmare?” a raspy voice sounded from right under her nose.

She looked down at her pillow.

Which the dimmed artificial light revealed was no pillow but Dar’s naked chest. With some drool over one pec, courtesy of yours truly.

How did…? When…?
