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She bit her bottom lip. “I don’t know, Dar. Maybe it would be best if I stayed out of sight? I can wait on the ship while you do your thing?”

He smiled at her choice of words but shook his head. “I said I’ll show you the galaxy, remember? Funk’fru has a little bit of everything from across the Milky Way, it’s a great starting point. Plus,” he cupped her cheek, “I want us to choose cushions for our nest. Together.”

She leaned into his touch, eyes glowing with warmth. “You say the sweetest things, Dar.”

Sweet?He was simply being practical. If he couldn’t offer his female a nest to her liking, he was frucked. Cushions made of natural fabrics and filled with a megemege’s feathers were the golden standard, but his pumpkin was anything but standard.I won’t mind if she keeps choosing my body over the cushions, though.

“I’m ready to go,” she added, eyes drifting to his lips. “We better hurry.”

“Yeah,” he told her succulent lips. “We are on a tight schedule.”


“We should go…”


Should I kiss her?He should. Just one kiss to keep him going until they returned to the ship, and then–

And then what? Tight. Schedule. You idiot. Or are you going to blow this mission because your brains-deprived head wants to be between Lia’s thighs instead of working on saving countless abducted souls?

Dargus cursed inwardly and stepped away from Lia, allowing only his tail to stay in contact with her tempting skin.

“Let’s go.”

She nodded with a smile, but he caught the disappointment in her eyes before she could hide it.

He felt like space trash for putting that look there, but it was time to remember the main reason he and Lia were here. They had a case to crack, people to save. And if he didn’t keep his head in the game, he and his true mate would have a more life-threatening problem than choosing cushions for their nest.



One goodbye petting of Cubbie later, Emilia and Dar walked through the exit hatch and down the ship’s ramp onto Funk’fru’s space port.

Emilia had no idea what real-life space ports looked like, but the sci-fi movie versions hadn’t prepared her for this.

They were in a multiple-level underground parking lot, the entrance to which was shaped like a chimney. As she saw over the railing of Level 403, new arrivals descended into the mind-blowingly wide tube to land on metal ramps extending from a given level. Those ramps automatically slid the ships into an available slot.


“How many levels are there?” Emilia asked while looking down into the seemingly never-ending chimney.

It was lit up by green fluorescent light. The entrance far, far above her head revealed a round patch of light-green sky, but the daylight didn’t reach further than the first six or seven levels.

“Last time I was here, 777 levels. But I heard the Consortium has begun expanding to 888.”

She pulled away from the railing and stared at Dar. And not just because Dar in a biker jacket was drool-worthy. “These guys are thinking so small. They should have aimed for 999.”

Dar’s ocher eyes glinted with humor in the green light. “Space Port 1 has that many levels. We’re now in Space Port 3”.

Emilia felt dizzy just thinking about all those underground parking spaces. “I’ll hand it to this Consortium if they have a port with 666 levels.”

“That’s Port 6.”


Dar put his arm around her waist, bringing her against his side, and she felt dizzy for an entirely different reason.
