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His surprise lasted for a second, after which he responded to her kiss with ardor matching her own.

We’re a perfect match indeed.

While he plundered her mouth, one of his hands slid under her jacket and cupped a breast. His other hand squeezed her ass possessively.

She dug her fingers in his firm ass in response, simultaneously bringing their lower bodies in full contact.Mmm, two birds with one stone–

“Hey, no claiming on board! Can’t you two read the holosign?”

Emilia and Dar both growled at the interruption, which was one of too many lately.

It was for the best in this case, though. They had not only landed by the marketplace already but also had an ewok-look-alike glaring at them from the other side of the glass. The child-size brown teddy bear had his short arms crossed over his chest.

Has George Lucas been to Funk’fru?

“Forgive us, kind sir,” Dar reacted first, his voice still a bit unsteady, “the pod is all yours.”

The alien huffed as she and Dar promptly exited the bubble. “You’re lucky I didn’t call the authorities. Filthy animals.”

Emilia gasped and turned to give the boarding extraterrestrial a piece of her mind.

Dar swiftly led her away from the landing area. “Ignore him, pumpkin. You don’t want to anger his kind.”

“What will he do? Throw an itsy-bitsy spear at me?”

“For starters, he’ll call his 1,001 cousins so they could gang up on us. By Bekhion’s fall, he will be wearing my intestines as a pendant and your eyeballs as earrings.”

“Eeew.”Cute teddy bears from Endor, my ass.

Emilia better kept her mouth shut for the rest of their stay, before she got them both shish-kebabed or something.

It wasn’t like she had any words left in her active vocabulary safe for ‘wow’ and ‘oh’, anyway, as they walked down the busy market streets.

It’s like I’m in Arabian Nights, the extraterrestrial version. The tents followed one after the other, left and right, each with a uniquely decorated interior and filled with goods to bursting. Tech, clothing, food, unidentifiable items that could be weapons, cooking appliances, or sex toys, for all she knew – you named it, the merchants had it. And amid all this variety of goods, decorations, and colors were a variety of aliens that made Emilia’s head spin.

There was one extraterrestrial with two lizard heads, who had her leaning further into Dar. There was also a cross between a human and a red panda the size of a hobbit, who had her inwardlyawww-ing. Then there was an octopus lady in a mini dress and stockings on all her six –or was it eight?– tentacles topped with platform shoes, who had Emilia choking down a giggle.

The list of strange-looking creatures went on and on, since everything looked strange to a simple human and the marketplace, as large-scaled as it was, was packed. Seeing how the locals had something to offer to every customer, it was no surprise Funk’fru was ‘the most popular market place in this sector’, as wooden signs hovering over the dirt streets read.

Following Dar’s shopping list written on a foldable ‘holocaster’, they went inside two tents. One was selling foods compressed into hand-size cubes and the other, tech straight out of a sci-fi movie. In both cases Emilia went cross-eyed while trying to see all the goodsandtake in the alien merchants. No two were the same species, since there were no natives to this moon, just creatures from across the galaxy working for the Consortium.

She followed closely how Dar interacted with the merchants. He swiped the list of products towards the food seller – a guy with a trunk for a nose and beady eyes on the sides of his massive head. After some trumpeting and tapping on his own holocaster, the merchant stomped his hoof, and a smaller version of him showed up from behind a curtain. The 7-foot tall kid took a look at the list and proceeded to collect the goods from the shelves and baskets in the tent.

While Dar was paying by swiping a chip over an equally small handheld device, the kid transported the huge bag of products towards the back of the tent with the help of levitation. Then Dar led Emilia out of the shop as empty handed as when they had entered.

The whole process was repeated in the tech tent, with two exceptions. The bug-eyed merchant actually said something – “Splendid!” – and he had not one but two helpers. Each was equipped with a handheld gadget making items levitate around the tent.

When they left empty-handed once again, Emilia had to ask, “Where do our shopping bags go?”

“On the back of a humtin. It’s an animal native to the nearby planet of Agora that is easily trained to carry heavy loads from point A to B without supervision.” Dar kept his eyes on their surroundings while explaining, not sounding annoyed by her curiosity. “They move relatively fast on their eight legs, so they’re perfect for clients who are somewhat in a hurry to fly off.”

“How come we can’t see any humtins around?” Emilia really wanted to see what her translator made sound like the love child of a hippo and a zebra.

“Because they are kept behind the tents and have streets designated for them only. They have a separate route to the ports as well.”

Now that’s traffic organization.“Why didn’t I see any of this from our bubble?”

“Because you were too busy gifting me with a kiss.”
