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His arm around your back and his tail around your waistaren’t enough for you, Emi?

Okay, she was taking advantage of the situation – so sue her. Dar smelled so delicious…

“Is it just my imagination, or is it getting brighter?”

“It is. It’s hard to tell since we’re hovering right over the floor, but there is a delicate ascent. The artificial light is designed to gradually increase in intensity, to prepare the daytime visitors’ eyes for the natural light on the surface–Ah, shoot!”

She looked up to find his brow furrowed. “What is it?”

“I forgot to get my sunglasses. Your small dark eyes will not be bothered by today’s sun, but mine water by it significantly.”

Dar in sunglasses? The very idea of biker shades on him in his current outfit was enough to fuel a wet dream of hers. Had he actually worn sunglasses today, her ovaries would have exploded.

“Are your eyes more used to darker environments?”

He looked down at her, the cute cleft in his chin just a nip away. “Yes. Luvia’s three suns are all hot but neither one shines very brightly. That’s why we Luvians have bigger eyes than most species in this galaxy. I think that’s also the reason why neither I nor Bargus inherited our mother’s third eye.”

“Wow.” It was at times like these, when Dar made casual statements about other worlds and non-human intelligent species, that Emilia got reminded she was in over her head here.

“Wait, what did you mean bytoday’ssun? How many suns shine over this moon?”

“Two, but only one or the other is visible during the day cycle. Today we get Bekhion. We should be able to see it right about… now.”

As if at his command, their bubble flew out of the tunnel and into the natural light of a green sun.

Emilia gaped at the surreal view in every direction she looked. A clear green sky above them. A dark-green sun to their right. A huge rusty-red planet partially visible on the horizon to their left. The breathtaking view was uninterrupted by skyscrapers or any tall buildings whatsoever, as she had expected from a busy commercial port. In fact, their transport was currently flying over dark-brown sand, no roads visible anywhere.

It was only when they got closer to their destination that Emilia distinguished the local buildings.More like mid-size tents. They were placed closely enough together to form streets, with pieces of fabric connecting the roofs here and there to offer shade for the passersby. Everything was brown.

“Wow.”Again.“The Consortium sure takes landscape architecture seriously.”

Dar did not respond, and Emilia returned her gaze to him. She caught him looking at her, and not the view outside.

“What? Is there something on my face?”

He smiled. “Yes… Your face.”

Emilia gave him a not-amused-here look. “There’s this panorama outside, and you’re focused on my face?”

He gently ran his knuckle over her cheek. “There’s a whole constellation here to explore.”

She blinked. “My freckles?”

“Is that how these enthralling dots are called?”

“My butt-ugly freckles? Enthralling?!”

Dar frowned. “What do your generous buttocks have to do with ugliness?”

“My flat ass? Generous?”

“Shoot. I’m making a mess out of this, aren’t I? All I’m trying to say is that I adore your freckles, Lia. I would choose them over the stars, so this environmentally-friendly marketplace stands no chance. The same applies to your backside–the adoring part, I mean… Argh, I’m bad at this.”

Bad at this?He had just turned Emilia to mush with the best compliment she had ever received. And not because it referred to the bane of her existence –fucking freckles– but because it was a genuine compliment. Nothing fake about it.

“Stop that,” she told him as she pulled his hand away from his nape before he could rub it raw.

Then she put her hand there so she could pull Dar down to her lips.
