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“I am Darginus Bargusguz, new to the flesh trade but determined to make Terrans my specialty.”

“I see, I see…” Jurra licked half his face as he looked at Emilia, who averted her gaze to stare at the floor. “A very fine specimen… Highly coveted, just as highly priced… How did you manage to get her out from under the Nibiruans’ noses?”

Dar grinned himself. “Trade secret. One I’m willing to share with the right partner, of course.”

Jurra grunted, his entire body shaking in the process. “Are you implying I’m not that person?”

“Apologies, but I know you specialize in one species already, I assumed you–”

“I abduct rare creatures from all over the Milky Way, Bargusguz!”

Dar looked doubtful. “Dorvians?”

“Of course!” Another grunt.


“Yes, Sevidokis! I’m not an amateur!”

“Say Mirsipos, and my comms details are yours.”

Jurra puffed his chest out further. “Mirsipos, Kantuvians, Dizdeamons – you name it, I have abducted it.”

“Glad to hear it.”Dar smiled more broadly, and Emilia had no doubt that particular smile was genuine.

Keep confessing to your crimes, Jabba, and Luke Skywalker will be the least of your problems.

After Dar and Jurra touched their communication devices to each other, the team could proceed further into the hall.

They didn’t make it far before another slaver came to greet them and ask who Dar was, then another, and another, until Emilia lost track of their number. Some wanted to know details about her abduction like Jurra had, others wanted to touch her, two made purchase offers, and one was willing to pay a crazy amount of credits for a night with her. None got what they wanted, while several gave Dar what he wanted: an admission of their crimes.

Unfortunately, these baddies were not the Baddies Dar was after. The two leaders of the slavers’ syndicate, as she had dubbed it, were yet to make an appearance.

Where are you, you bastards?

Cubbie yawned, his tongue licking her forearm in the process.

Dar seemed cool and composed, but Emilia could feel the tension in him. It seemed impossible to be so attuned to him when five days ago she hadn’t known the guy existed, but it was what it was.

She wished she could kiss the tension out of him, but she couldn’t even talk to him, let alone show affection in here, and the same applied to him. They could only keep playing their respective roles and hope the whole trip here wouldn’t be in vain.

It’s not in vain if it brought you to the man of your dreams, Emi. Now pay attention to the present.

She got out of her own head just in time to see a frog princess coming their way, the two red eyes on top of her head drinking Dar in.


The humanoid frog in a mermaid dress with a tiny tiara on her bald head looked smug as she stopped before them.

“Having a good cycle, bubu?”

“Sivi. What a surprise.”

Wait, Dar knows this chick? And did she just call him the local version of ‘baby’?

Sivi flashed him a killer smile, as in a smile full of tiny sharp teeth that could shred flesh. The red lipstick she had painted her non-existent lips with only strengthened that impression.

“Didn’t expect I would get back up after you threw my amazing self in prison for three years, did you?”
