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Oh, crap.Dar had known it was possible to run into a criminal who knew him. However, using the face modifier had been out of the question due to how easily that technology could be detected. Emilia could only pray that his contingency plan for this scenario would work on the frog lady.

He smiled, perfectly composed. “I expected you to stick to a more… legal profession after prison, that’s all.”

Sivi scoffed and placed a manicured three-fingered hand over her flat chest. “Me? Wasting my talents on legal gebawormshit? Oh, Dargus, you’re still as naive as before.” She leered at him before adding, “And just as hot. Truly mated too?”

“Yes. To a very demanding female. That’s why I’m venturing into the illegal myself, as you can deduce from my presence here. Need the credits.”

“Hmmmm. I find that hard to believe. See,” she placed a finger on Dar’s chest, right over his mating marks, “I heard a lot about Dargus the Righteous while in prison. You’ve put many aliens behind the laser bars of Simogen 5, bubu.”

“My honest work as an enforcer is behind me. You know how everything changes once you meet your true mate.” Dar coupled the last statement with a gentle removal of Sivi’s hand from his chest.

The frog princess shrugged. “Actually, I don’t.” And placed her palm flat over Dar’s chest.

If the team’s life didn’t depend on her sticking to her role, Emilia would have twisted the offending limb in a wrist lock already.Hands off my mate, you grabby toad!

Cubbiesquawked angrily, and Emilia had to struggle to reign him in.

That got Sivi’s attention. “You’ve brought the beastie as well. This must be serious.”

Dar removed her hand once more, this time more insistently. “He’s my emotional support alien. And it is serious, you’re correct. I’m here to do business to keep my mate happy. I’m ready to do anything for her, including turn my back on my past. It’s the future that matters, and sheismy future.”

Emilia’s gaze lingered on Dar. He had told her good undercover work required sticking to the truth as much as possible – was that how he felt about her?

Not the time to get all mushy inside, Emi.

Sivi croaked mockingly. “Spare me your lies, bubu. You tricked me once, but no more. It matters not why you’re here, anyway.” She flashed him her freaky smile for a moment before her gaze grew cold. “What matters is that one word from me on your identity will have you and your beastie in one of the cages here for the crowd’s entertainment. In the morning you’ll be on sale to the highest bidder. A pretty Luvian like yourself… hmmm. You’ll fetch a good price. Unless you get damaged by some unhappy businesspersons tonight, of course.”

Emilia felt all the blood draining from her face. Cubbie was practically vibrating with anger in her hold, the threat in Sivi’s tone too clear for him to miss.

Please, Dar, tell me you have a contingency plan for the contingency plan!

He used his tail to caress Cubbie as he answered. “I’ve been invited here. My identity has already passed both inspections. I have the right to be at the gala as much as you, Sivi.”

Another croak from the frog princess. “You simply have the right connections to achieve that. Because see, bubu, I have connections too. That’s how I know someone with your past would never be allowed to even enter the asteroid belt, let alone land and walk among us.”

Oh, fuck.

Dar opened his mouth to answer–

“Who is your attractive companion, my sun?” a voice boomed from behind them.

A 7.5-feet tall purple devil, complete with horns, hoofs, and a tail, went to stand beside Sivi, beefy arm going around her shoulders. She looked like a skinny dwarf next to him.

Baddie number one himself.

Had he shown up minutes ago, Emilia would have been happy, but as it was… The moment of his arrival couldn’t have been worse. His choice of girlfriend either.

“Darginus Bargusguz at your service, you gracious host,” Dar replied before Sivi could.

“Ah, yes. The new hunter in the business who comes with outstanding recommendations.”

“You can see I’m a male of my word, as advertised by my friends.” Dar gestured at Emilia. “A Terran. The first of many to come your way. You pay a reasonable price, I deliver.”

Emilia immediately lowered her gaze when the devil, clad in a dress made of what seemed like snake skin, looked her way. She could still feel his rectangular pupils ogling her, though.Disgusting.

“She is a delicious specimen, Darginus, but you’re late. I have already found several contractors who will start supplying me with Terrans in a week or so.”

Dar sighed. “That’s unfortunate.”
