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Dar gave the swinging cage an extra push using his legs, turning it into a swing of nightmares.

The creature inside screeched.

Emilia screamed.

They went airborne again.

A chandelier loomed before them this time. Dar caught the edge of it in the last second like some circus acrobat.

Only that, circus acrobats had safety nets to catch them if they fell.

As the chandelier swung like crazy, Emilia dared to look down.

There were creatures running in all directions and away from an orange ball rolling in a zigzag line at dizzying speed. Anyone who stood in its way was sent flying from the force of the collision, a clear path thus forming on the ball’s rolling spree to the exit.

Go, Cubbie!

The good news ended there. For among the aliens running towards the door were froggy guards with lasers and pulsers. And some were already aiming at Dar.

He jumped off the swinging chandelier right before laser fire sent sparks flying next to them.

A cage loomed in front of them… too high for Dar to reach it like before.

This is the end.

His claws dug into the edge of the cage’s floor, right in between two bars.

He did it!

He swung his legs and got the cage moving faster in preparation for another jump.

But to where? We’re too low now to reach any other hanging or levitating place.

“Trust me!”

That was all the warning Emilia got before he let go of the cage. The momentum sent them soaring at first, and then the ground came rushing towards them.

Emilia’s world spun when Dar got her off his back and in his arms while still flying through the air. He landed on his feet as gracefully as a cat. By the time her head stopped spinning, he was already running for the exit along the path Cubbie had cleared.

Laser fire rained down on them, making tiles burst left and right of Dar’s feet. Emilia realized he was shielding her from the danger with his own body. He kept her plastered against him while he ran with her in his arms, and Emilia could do nothing to stop him from giving his life for hers.

“No!” she cried out when she saw him get hit in the shoulder. “Dar!”

He grunted and just kept running, his expression fierce.

“Cubbie, battle form! Home!”

She caught sight of their fur baby rolling back towards the guards in pursuit, and her heart all but stopped. She thought they’d shoot him before he could reach them, but he never attempted to roll through them. Instead, Cubbie executed a U-turn and headed for the closed door again, the extra distance giving him the chance to gain more speed.

The orange blur that was Cubbie appeared to grow bigger before it hit the door like a battle ram. Leaving a hole with jagged edges behind.

“Go!” Dar all but threw her through the hole in the door, not letting her wait for him.

She turned around to see him exit after her, and saw laser fire hit him. He slumped halfway through the hole.


She grabbed his arms and pulled with all her strength.
