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Emilia fisted her hands, ready to smash the face of anyone who tried to pull her away from Dar. “Let’s give them hell, team.”

Cubbie prepared to roll. Dar raised his machete and–

The ground under them shook, nearly sending everyone to the floor. Fine particles rained down from the ceiling. The wall to the left cracked.

“What is the meaning of this?” the Baddie snarled. “Who dares attack–”

Another tremor went through the room. Everyone stopped in their tracks to look at the walls and ceiling with concern.

For several seconds complete silence reigned. Then a ding echoed in the room.

Emilia turned towards the source of the sound at the same time as everyone looked behind her.

The doors of the elevator slid open to reveal two aliens inside. One was green, three-eyed, and holding a sword. The other was orange, tailed, and very fuzzy.

“Hey there, little bro. How about a rescue?”



Dargus blinked. Then blinked again. He’d rub his eyes, but his hands and tail were not cooperating with him anymore. So, he blinked a third time for good measure.

No change. The newcomers were still there. Standing in the elevator with weapons at the ready and leisurely expressions, as if this were a walk in the planetary orbit.

No, I must be hallucinating from the blood loss and the pain.

“Bargus? T’kala?”

“Kill them!” Luchinfer roared. “Kill them all before they escape!”

Dargus’ brother grabbed him by the bicep and pulled him down and into the elevator. Dargus hit the floor at the same time as Bargus opened fire with no other than a completely illegal machine-pulser.

“Lia! Cubbie!”

The sounds of laser fire and screaming blocked out everything else, leaving Dargus deaf and disoriented on the floor of the elevator. His auxiliary brain had to be damaged from the shot in his back, otherwise it would have taken over basic functions from his foggy main brain by now.

Fruck the injuries, where is Lia? Where–

A gentle small hand cupped his face, the touch cool against his feverish skin.

“Dar? Can you hear me?”


He opened his eyes –when did I close them?– and met the teary-eyed gaze of his true mate. She was lying flat on the elevator’s floor perpendicular to him, with Cubbie curled into a ball by her leg.

“You’re awake! Oh, Dar–”

“Of course he’s awake. It takes more than a few hits to take my little bro down.”

“Bargus… What are you doing here?” Dargus tried to roll on his back to see his brother but was stopped by Lia’s hand on his good shoulder.

“We have to stay down, my love, in case there are guards waiting for us on the surface.”

The surface?He looked towards the doors of the elevator to find them closed. He registered only now that the sounds of laser and pulser fire were no more.

They had gotten out of Luchinfer’s underground base and were on their way to the surface. Bargus and T’kala had somehow gotten the elevator running and had rescued Dargus’ team.
