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Their cold lips connected. He didn’t respond to her kiss at first but when he did, it was magic. To hell with her lungs being on fire, her body aching all over, stuff exploding left and right, pirates raging a space battle over her head – this was the best kiss of her life. Because it meant they were both alive and they had won.

She must have lost consciousness mid-kiss, because next time she opened her eyes, she was lying in theDickion’s cargo hold. Dar was sprawled next to her, unconscious.


“Easy, Em. He’s alive.”

Emilia looked down. T’kala was assembling what looked like a hovering stretcher by Dar’s feet. Cubbie was there, too, still unmoving in his ball form.

“He’s in a deep sleep, so you can’t wake him,” T’kala continued. “I’m taking both of you to the Medic now, just bear with me. Can you feel your toes? Fingers? All hearts functioning normally?”

“Uh… All good…” Emilia had no strength to move but, hopefully, that was normal in this situation.Speaking of…“Are we in the clear?”

“More or less. Bargus is flying us off this rock as we speak, so there should be no more trouble.”

“Bargus? Who almost died out there with us?”

T’kala chuckled while lifting Dar onto the stretcher as though he weighed nothing. “Almost dying can’t stop my true mate from fighting our way out of this asteroid belt. He can pilot in his sleep if he has to. He’s got great experience with theDickiontoo.”

“Great experience with dick, got it… ” Emilia felt her eyelids growing heavier, her brain going foggy.

Part of her wished she could see the space fight, with lasers and explosions and pirates. But a greater part of her had had enough adventures and near-death experiences for one day. Now that she and all her loved ones were safe –as safe as one could be in freaking space –she simply wanted to rest.

“Not a good idea to sleep now, Em. The cold… you might not wake–Em? Em! Em!!”

It’s Lia…. And it’s fine, I’ll only take… a short… nap. Thirty… minutes… tops…



The moment his true mate opened her eyes was the best in Dargus’ life.

Fine, second best after the moment where our gazes met for the very first time in that stinky bar on Terra.

“Hi, pumpkin,” he said softly, afraid he might startle her. He was already looming over her, and the last time she had woken to his alien face, she had screamed his ear hairs off. A lot had changed since then, but still.

Her rosy lips stretched into a smile. “Hi.” Lia stretched lazily on the cushions of their nest and groaned. “Ugh, why am I so sore all over?... Actually,” her cheeks turned red, “you don’t need to answer that.”

Dargus frowned.Does she not remember? Oh, Three, does she have brain damage too?

Her hands, which had cupped his face, paused halfway to bringing him down for a kiss. “What is it, Dar? Why the furrowed brow? Does my breath stink?”

“Um… no.” He wished nothing more than to kiss her, to draw in her taste until it filled all his senses.

He lowered down to the lips he had never thought he’d taste again–

“I have morning breath, I knew it! How long have I been asleep?”

He rested his forehead on hers with a sigh.Kisses can wait, you addict, she needs answers now.“Quite a bit. But it’s okay now, you’re awake and we’re safe. That’s all that matters.”

“We’re safe? Why wouldn’t we be saf–” All color drained from her lovely face, and she clutched his bicep like a lifeline. “Dar! You were hurt! Hit by laser fire, scratched by evil Groots, deprived of oxygen and–Cubbie! He wouldn’t wake up! Then you wouldn’t wake up either, but T’kala said–I shouldn’t have fallen asleep! She said I might not wake, but I couldn’t resist and–”

“Breathe, pumpkin, just breathe.” Lia was trembling in his arms, and he tucked her against him to anchor her. Himself too.

The two full cycles in which she had been unconscious had been a nightmare. Never mind that the Medic had claimed all damage to her lungs, nerves, and skin had been successfully repaired on the first cycle – she wouldn’t wake up! If Dargus hadn’t been unconscious himself for a quarter of that first cycle, he would have lost his mind by now. Had he known Terrans were too fragile to last even half a minute in open space…

You should have checked, Dargus. And you should never have abducted her. Thankfully, you now have the chance to rectify that.
