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Dargus hugged his pumpkin tighter. He didn’t want to think aboutthatin this precious moment they were gifted with.

“You’re all right?” Lia asked as she touched his face, his chest, his arms – anything she had access to as they snuggled in their nest.

“Yes, pumpkin, I am well.”

There was no repairing his auxiliary brain, and the nerve damage to his tail would impede his balance for nearly a monthiona until the Medic’s daily restoration procedures fixed it. But he wouldn’t worry her with those facts now. He was alive and he was functional – that was more than an enforcer could ask for after the mission of his lifetime.

“I wouldn’t have made it without my partner, though,” Dargus added, rubbing his cheek against the soft top of her head. “You saved me, so many times. Thank you, Lia.”

“Are you kidding me?” She made him look her in the eyes with her soft hands on his cheeks. “It is you who saved me countless times, Dar. I was so no cut for this job–”

“You did amazing–”

“No,youdid, my love. Cubbie too.” She looked around the empty nestroom. “Is he napping on the bridge?”

Another sigh left Dargus, this time at the reminder how much his furball meant to his pumpkin. Lia had risked her life to save the rabbisaurus, and Dargus still didn’t know how to feel about that. The sight of his true mate flying towards her death to rescue his beloved pet from flying to his death, would fuel Dargus’ nightmares for yearionas.

“Cubbie is hibernating under us,” he told Lia.

“He’s what?” She pushed up on her elbows to look at the cushion under which the hibernation chamber was hidden. “Is he okay?”

“He is, don’t worry. That’s how he recuperates after using his battle form. He’ll be as good as new in half a monthiona.” Cubbie would emerge grumpy as fruck and ravenous as a ponchukha, but Dargus would have restocked the gebaworm reserves on theDickionby then.

Speaking of hunger…

“How do you feel, my pumpkin? Do you need water? Sustenance?” He couldn’t remember when the last time he had eaten was, but food had been the last thing on his mind while his true mate was sleeping unnaturally long.

“Oh, no, no food now. I need to come to my senses first… So, Cubbie has a battle form, huh?” Lia shook her head with a smile on her face. “He’s not just a cute and fluffy pet, is he?”

Dargus grinned. “Told you he’s fierce and will protect you.”Unlike me, who failed miserably in that task.

The reminder made him bury his face in Lia’s hair, to hide from her loving gaze while he kept her tucked against him. He would have hidden his shame behind his tail, were it capable of moving with its damaged nerves.

She caressed his chest and placed a tender kiss there. “What’s wrong, Dar? You seem tense.”

“I almost lost everyone I care about, all because of my risky plan. I don’t know how to live with myself now.”

“Oh, my love.” She hugged him closer, as much as that was physically possible.

He shivered in pleasure. He still couldn’t believe this outstanding female was in love with him.

“We’re all well and safe, Dar, and we won, right?”

“Yes,” he admitted reluctantly. “The incriminating files were transferred from Cubbie to the ship’s server the second we flew away from Kardinia’s signal scramblers. Bargus and I sent the data to the right people a cycle ago.”

“Meaning your plan worked.” She patted his chest. “All is well when it ends well, as we say on my backwater planet.”

“You have a point. It will take several cycles, but the slaverswillbe put on the intergalactic wanted list, Luchinfer at the very top.”

“We didn’t get anything on his associate, though. Is that our next mission?”

His heart squeezed.If she knew what I’m planning… “She has surely gotten deep into hiding by now. And she’ll find it hard to abduct anyone when the whole network has been compromised. She’d be lying low for quite some time.”

“But we’ll still kick her ass, right? We have to get her slaves freed, Dar.”

He smiled sadly and kissed the top of her head. “Don’t think about getting yourself into danger again. I just got you back, my pumpkin.”

