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He was so caring, so dedicated to pleasing her in every respect, to putting her needs before his. He valued her opinion, treated her as an equal, and made her feel cherished and loved at every turn. Dar was a dream come true. Her true mate.

She sighed contently and stretched again on the comfy mattress. Now that she had accepted their romance-book-worthy sacred bond, she would have to consider the next steps for them. Where would they live? Would she officially work as his partner in fighting space crime – a profession she still didn’t feel ready for but would be thrilled to learn? What would she tell her parents? The questions were many, but she would postpone thinking about serious stuff for one more day. She wanted to enjoy the detachment from real life for just a little bit longer.

Got to pee first, though. That’s one real-life fact you can’t ignore, Emi.

She giggled again, finally found the strength to force her sleepy eyes open, and swung her legs off the bed.

She’d do her business then go find Dar, who was probably on the bridge with Bargus and T’kala. She had met them over lunch –or was it dinner?– and had fallen in love with the dashing couple. Perhaps they could all grab something to eat again and–

Emilia froze in her tracks halfway to the bathroom.

“What the heck?”

She stared in shock at the room around her, only now paying attention to the very familiar surroundings.

Surroundings bathed by the warm light of the morning sun.

The morning sun shining through the window of her room.

Her. Room.

“What the fuck?!”

“Emi, is that you?” came from the other side of the wooden door a moment before it opened. “My baby, you’re back!”


Her mother, still in her morning robe, rushed in to hug Emilia. “When did you come back from the trip? It must have been in the wee hours for us not to hear you come in… You should have woken us up to let us know you’re finally home.”

“Uhhh…”What the hell is going on?

“Let me take a look at you.” Her mother scrutinized Emi’s favorite PJs –when did I get into these?– and smiled at the end of the inspection. “You look good. Happy. Youmusttell me all about your trip… and your stud muffin.” A giggle. “Is he around? Hiding under the bed? Promise I won’t be mad if I find him in your room, young lady.”


“So, is he still around? Or did he drop you home last night and run away before your scary parents could grill him?”

That’s what I would like to know too.“He’ll come meet you guys. Soon.”I hope.

And hope was all Emilia had right now. Because things didn’t look good.

The last thing she remembered was falling asleep as Dar’s little spoon, the countless stars of open space shining above them. She had been well loved and happier than ever in her life.

Now she was in her room in her parents’ house, dressed as if she had never left on the adventure of a human lifetime. Alone and scared of what this meant.

What if Dar had left her here in secret so he could leave… for good?

What if he never came back?

* * *

Two months later, Emilia had to face the facts.

Dar had abandoned her.

Her mind tried to find an explanation. One part of her – the bitter, more realistic one – thought he had used her all along. Gotten her to work with him without causing him too much trouble along the way while also warming his bed. Had she ever been more than a plaything and a means to an end for him?

Another, bigger part of her reminded her he was not Brandon. This was her Dar and no matter how blind love usually made her, there was no way she had misjudged him to that extent. If he had left her like this, there had to be a good reason for it.
