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Whatever the truth was, the fact stayed the same: Dar was not here. And she had no way of contacting him to ask if he was ever coming back. But judging by how he had dropped her off like in a typical alien abduction story – leaving her in bed as if she had never been abducted in the first place, with no explanation whatsoever – his return seemed unlikely.

Should have known this thing between us was too good to be true.

How much more time could she waste waiting for something that might never happen? She had lost one year of her life because of her ex, putting her personal and career growth on hold. Should she lose another year dreaming of the alien who had abducted her heart?

Working at the pub was no longer an option since her vacated position had been filled almost immediately. Staying with her parents to cry her eyes out over a man again was out of the question. She couldn’t do that to them anymore. So far she had managed to limit the tears to her room and to convince her mom and dad she was sad because she missed him “while he is travelling far away on a police case”. But it was only for so long she could keep up appearances.

She didn’t really have a choice. She had to leave.

“All packed?” her dad asked as he came into her room.

“Yep.” Emilia took hold of her suitcase’s handle and began pulling it towards the door.

“I’ll get the other suitcase. You okay, princess?”

She forced a smile on her face before turning to look at him from the door. “Yes, Dad. I’m sad I’m leaving you guys, but… it’s high time you had the house to yourselves. No kids to spoil your hanky-panky times, right?”

Her dad laughed at how she had used his child-friendly expression. “That’s true.”

“Areyouand Mom okay?” Emilia had caught them exchanging worried looks over the past weeks; she was clearly failing at keeping her broken heart a secret.

Her dad sighed as he stopped beside her with the luggage. “We’ll be okay if we know you’re happy, princess. But this new boyfriend you’ve found? He doesn’t seem to be making you happy.”

You can’t make someone happy if you’re not even on the same planet as them. “He’s got an important job, Dad, I told you. He can’t exactly abandon his police cases and come stay with me here. Once I settle in Brinsmingam, it will be easier for us to… see each other.”

“You believe that? Believehim?”

A nervous laugh escaped her.I don’t know what to believe anymore.“You are suspicious because you haven’t had the chance to go all cop on him in an interrogation room, aren’t you?”

He chuckled. “Bring him in for questioning in our dining room, that’s all I ask.” All humor left his eyes when he added, “If this one hurts you, I won’t stay back like you asked me for that piece of garbage Brandon. I’ll show him what happens to those who hurt my princess.”

“Oh, Dad.” She hugged him, burying her face in his chest to hide her teary eyes. The way he had offered to rough up the men in her life… it reminded her of Dar’s similar offer.

Everything reminded her of Dar these days: certain words, certain aromas, her mom’s new orange duvet, the foamy soap in the bathroom, even the damn oven.

She missed Cubbie too. The cute but fierce rabbisaurus had warmed his way into her heart as efficiently as his owner.

I’m so pathetic. The two of them have probably moved on with their lives already.

She pushed away from her dad before she got really teary. “I better get going.”

“Come here, princess.” Her dad pulled her in for another hug.

From the sound of his voice, he was fighting tears himself.

“I’ll call every day. I’ll come see you on weekends. Depending on my shifts, of course.”

She had found a waitressing job for starters, because she was really short on money. And she couldn’t make herself look for anything permanent yet – a tiny part of her still insisted that she should wait for her alien in shining spaceship to come get her.

That same part of her didn’t have an answer to how Dar would find her in the city.

“You do what you can, princess. Just take good care of yourself, that’s what we want for you. Put yourself first, for a change.”

“Got it, Dad… Can we go now?”Before I burst into tears yet again?

He patted her back, released her from the bear hug, and quickly exited the room, but she still saw his eyes were glistering.

Parting with her mom was even more difficult, no stopping the tears this time around.
