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Having felt her softening, he stepped closer but left her space to move away.

She didn’t.

“I knew you might object at first, so I resorted to the un-abduction-while-stunned option.” He rubbed his nape once more. “I guess I thought if I gave you time away from me and back at your home, you’d realize being off theDickionwas indeed the right decision.”

“Why are you here, then? When you know me so well as to be able to make decisions for me?”

Dar winced. “I know we should take decisions together, but I had to protect you… I’m still adjusting to my overprotective instincts as a mated Luvian, pumpkin, I–” He sighed. “I’m sorry.”

She looked away to cover her teary eyes. Whether those were happy tears or sad tears, she couldn’t tell. Probably a bit of both.

“So, you’re here because…?” she prompted once she got her emotions under some semblance of control, and he was yet to say something.

A tiny smile spread across his human face. “To abduct you, of course. If you’d let me.”

Her eyebrows rose to her hairline.

He chuckled sheepishly. “I’m a selfish son of a chaste Luvian female, pumpkin. I didn’t last three days before I realized I couldn’t leave you alone. Be it for your good or not.” He took one more step forward, leaving him within her reach. “I wanted to do the right thing by you, but it was already too late. I had allowed us to deepen our sacred bond and–I can’t live without you, Lia. You belong on myDickion.”

Damn.When he said it like that, and with that assertive tone…I never stood a chance at resisting him.

“But you were away for two months, Dar,” Emilia found the strength to ask before giving in to the urge to throw herself in his arms. “Why did you leave me here? You left me thinking I’d never see you again.”

He covered his face with both hands. “Because I’m the most cowardly true mate in the galaxy. I had your home’s contact info, but every time I called it was your father on the line. Or your mother. I… didn’t have the Luvian balls to present myself and ask for you. Then I decided it was best to explain everything to you in person, but first I had to testify against the recently arrested Luchinfer and Sivi. And then I couldn’t show up without having made sure theDickionwas not on any vengeful slavers’ radar. It had to be as safe as possible for you, Lia.”

She placed her hands on his forearms to make him uncover his face. “And that took you two months?”

“I… might have done some modifications to make the ship more suitable to your Terran and feminine needs. Under T’kala’s guidance, I assure you. Just like the mating ceremony I’ve planned.” When Emilia just gaped, Dar gently took her hands in his, eyes searching hers. “We don’t have to live on theDickion, pumpkin. We could settle on Terra or any other planet you fancy, we’ll make it work. You just… stay with me, Lia. Please.”

He leaned down until he could rub his cheek against the back of her palms. “I know I messed up. Again. I’ll probably keep messing up while I learn how to be the best true mate for you. But I swear in the name of the Three that Iwilllearn, Lia. Iwillmake you happy – that is one mission I will not fail in.” He went down on one knee, her hands still in his, and looked up to meet her eyes. “You just have to give me a chance. Giveusa chance.”

Lost in the moment, Emilia didn’t see what was coming until she had a rolling orange ball crashing into her feet.

She went falling.

Instead of the hard ground, she was met by a pair of strong arms. And covered by a furry orange blanket a second later.

“Cubbie!” Emilia squealed while he licked her face like crazy, tucked against Dar’s chest and kneeling as she was. “You’re awake!”

Dar chuckled. “Awake and hyperactive. I wasn’t sure he’d stay put until theussignal, but he timed it perfectly. Well done, furball.”

Cubbie chirped while licking Emilia’s ear.

“You planned this?” she asked through a giggle.

“Not him knocking you off your feet but…”

“But you sweeping me off my feet and him sweetening the deal even further.” Emilia couldn’t hide her smile at this point. As for the happy tears, Cubbie was already working on licking any trace of them from her cheeks.

If someone walked out of the pub right now, they would be up for a surprise. She could already imagine the headlines afterwards: ‘Couple encounter alien pet; get licked to tears’.

“So…” Dar’s eyes bore into hers and his arms tightened around her. “Does this mean you will give us – me and Cubbie – a chance?”

She looked up into his eyes while she was hugging Cubbie. Even with the face modifier on, she could see the fear in Dar’s gaze. The fear of being rejected. He had asked for her permission to abduct her, meaning he’d leave her alone if that was her wish. He’d fly away and let her be, even if that meant being torn in two.

Because they were one now. Sacred bond, the Three’s sign or whatever you called it, it made living without the other impossible.

Good thing Emilia didn’t plan on being apart from him. Ever again.
