Page 25 of When Darkness Falls

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“I see.” Felt the results of his training against her body as well. “How about now that you’ve retired from the assassination business? You surely have time to spare to do something for fun.”

“I have mercs and the Intergalactic military after me.”

Miya felt like an idiot. “Sorry, I somehow forgot about that part… When we leave Xera, do you have a place to go and lay low? Some friends or relatives who can hide you–”

“I’m on my own. Like you.”

She gaped. “What? How do you–”

“The soldiers talked. They needed a new pilot from the space station, one whose potential death wouldn’t raise questions. Then you took the job.”

“Those military assholes!” Miya shook her head. “Typical.”

She studied Therak’s face for a bit. She really wished to see the emotions he hid under that stoic, unreadable mask of his. His life sounded so lonely… like hers.

Time foranothertopic change.

“So, tell me about your planet. Does it have a desert like–”

“Enough with the interrogation, Miya. Are you rested already?”

“Ha-ha, very funny.” It would probably be days before her muscles recovered fully from the piggyback-ride marathon. “No, I still feel like shit and no, this here is no interrogation. We’re talking so that I can get my mind off the crappy situation. If you’re feeling questioned, why don’t you ask me something for a change?”

“I already know what I need about you to finish this mission.”


“Get to a ship and leave Xera. Survive.”

Right. “How about something not related to the mission? Say, my favorite color. Or–”

“You like tentacles?”

“Uhh…” She hadnotseen that coming. “Why?”

“You mentioned a female with long tentacles.”

“Ah, that.” Therak might not be looking at her and seemed entirely focused on the sandy landscape, but he obviously hadn’t missed a single word of her babbling. “I mentioned head tentacles only because they’re considered attractive in most systems these days. Personally, I’m no fan. The same goes for tails. Sinuous appendages kind of turn me off.”

He nodded, as if her answer had pleased him.

“How about you, Therak?”

“Tentacled opponents are among the most dangerous I have eliminated over the years.”

Miya couldn’t stifle a smile. And she had thought herself a workaholic. “I take it that’s a no to tentacles, then.”

“I consider head hair attractive.”

“Oh?” Now they were talking!

He hesitated before saying, “The females of my kind are hairless like the males. The head hair of alien females I have merged with… Yours is the softest I have ever touched.”

Merged, huh? Clearly the training he did in his free time included bed exercises. Was he an expert in that department as well?

Miya cleared her throat. “My hair – the softest? No way. The shampoo on the space station is so bad.”

“The feel of your curls against my skin is exquisite.”
