Page 5 of Silent Tears

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Because I am dirty?

Because I am a whore?

I release my shaky breath and look at the door when it opens and closes. Sebastian wastes no time coming to the side of the bed. He gets onto the bed and wraps his arm around me, and even if I wanted to, I couldn’t fucking get away from him. I have tried and failed so many fucking times.

He has a tablet in his hand, holds it in front of me, and turns it on. On the screen is a recording of the man forcing me to open my mouth and swallow the pills, and then I watch as I pass out. The man gets on the bed and leans down, and carves theWhoreinto my skin, then he lifts me up as much as he can, grabs his dick, and pushes right into my ass. It is a weird position, but the man is fucking strong and massive. So that is why my fucking ass hurts. The bastard didn’t even have the balls to look me in the eyes.

My heart dropped as the man continued to fuck my ass. The bed is violently hitting the wall as he claims me in a way a man never has, and when he is finished, which took a few hours, he pulls out of my ass and then fucks my pussy. He moves to my mouth and fucks my mouth. My body is limp the entire time, and my head rests on the pillow from whatever he gave me. This fucking man spent the last three hours claiming my body in so many different ways. My stomach clenches, and I feel like I am going to vomit.

Since being here, my body has been claimed by many different, gross over the fucking top men. They have all whispered different things into my ear, but nothing that has happened to me has been worse than this. I have never felt dirtier and disgusting in my entire life as I do right now in this fucking moment. At least with the other men, they made me experience the pain. I remember fucking everything they have done to me, but this man, he took that away from me. He used me like a puppet and did whatever the fuck he wanted.

My heart is racing so fucking fast as Sebastian lowers the tablet and leans in, kissing the side of my head. “Welcome home, Puppet,” he whispers.

Dirty bitch.

Good little whore.

I close my eyes and let my racing thoughts take over as the tears escape and roll down my face.



My eyes fly open, and I quickly sit up. My heart is racing as I swing my legs over the bed and grab tightly onto the edge of the bed as sweat rolls down my face. The dreams are getting more frequent and vivid: her red hair, green eyes, soft, nonjudgmental touch, and voice that sounds like music to my ears.

My heart and soul have been searching for her traits, her personality in every fucking chick that walks into my life, and all of them fucking fall short. I see it in their eyes; they fear me, they don’t love me, and they judge me. They can’t touch the skin of a murderer, a fucking Mostro.That is all they see when they look at me, their touch gives them away as they say they want me to fuck them, but they are lying. They don’t want the real me; they want the me they have created in their minds. They want the fucking lie.

Fuck man.

I plant my feet firmly onto the floor. I force myself to stand up from the bed, stretching my arms out as my skin can still feel hers against mine, her lips on mine, her sweet voice whispering she loves me, she needs me, she wants me.

I shake my head as I make my way into the bathroom. The light turns on as I stop in front of the mirror. I stare at myself, the scars, the tattoos, the monster staring back at me through my eyes.

What the fuck did she see when she looked into my eyes?

She saw into my fucking soul. That is what she saw, she saw what I try and hide from others, but for some reason, with her, I couldn’t fucking hide it. The Mostro was right beneath the fucking surface, just wanting to come out, and instead of fucking turning away from me, she leaned into my touch. Fuck man, she leaned into me like she needed what only I could give her, just like she is the only one that can give me what I fucking need. Peace.

I turn and walk into the shower. I slam my fist against the button, the hot water pours down over my naked body, and my hands rest on the shower wall as I close my eyes. Once again, her face enters my mind, causing my heart to stop. Finding her is my first fucking priority. It fucking has to be before I fucking burn New York to the fucking ground.



9 Months Held Captive

“Sometimes we ask why, but the answer is something we can’t handle.”

The door opens again, and a new man walks into the room, a man who has never come to see me before. New men come in often as long as they are willing to pay, and then others come in every week to see me, doing the same thing to me and getting the same reaction from me and my body. They seem to enjoy doing the same things repeatedly; other newer men come to do their weird ass shit and never come back again. Either way, my body is used and used and continues to be chained to the bed, taking it all. The tears continue to fall, the screams continue to leave my mouth, and then it starts all over again, day in and day out, like fucking clockwork.

Sebastian says I will learn to love and beg for it, but I know that isn’t true. I don’t believe in love anymore. I loved my father, and he said he loved me, but still, I am here.

Why am I here?

Why hasn’t my father come for me?

Is he looking for me?

He has to be looking for me, right?
