Page 50 of Nerd Girl

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“How do you—” I wasn’t going to ask. I didn’t care about the answer.

Sawyer’s smirk said he was going to give me one anyway. “She lies there and screams while I eat her.”

Fury spilled inside me, but I wasn’t going to lose it in front of everyone. The way my fist clenched around Sawyer’s shirt, it hadn’t gotten the message.

Instead of beating him to a pulp in public, I dragged him to a back hallway, away from everything but the room where they stored the booze. “Stay the fuck away from Evie.” I spoke through clenched teeth.

“What happened to I’ll talk to her on your behalf?” Sawyer forced my grip open and dropped my hand with distaste.

“I changed my mind.”

“Uh-huh. Does she know how much you decide on her behalf?”

I didn’t care for this conversation, especially the way Sawyer’s words were similar to Evie’s yesterday. “The point is, Evie’s mine.” I liked the way those words tasted. “She should’ve been a long time ago, and you need to leave her alone.”

The way Sawyer smirked was infuriating. “Good for you. I’m here on business. She knows that.”

“Do you?” The answer that I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear was to the question did she?

“Are you really jealous because you want her? Or because you want me?”

Was he fucking kidding me? I let out a barking laugh at the question. He was trying to get under my skin, and I was letting him, but I saw more clearly now. “You’re not the hot shit you think you are.”

“I am.” Sawyer didn’t flinch. “And that’s why you’re jealous.” He stepped closer. “But if she’s not interested, you don’t have to get all worked up.” His voice slid toward ridiculous and seductive. “You could have me to yourself.”

He gripped the back of my neck and crushed his mouth to mine.

What the actual fuck?

And damn it, why did this feel good? Why did I like the way his stubble scraped my lips and his fingers dug into my flesh and how hard his body was against mine?

“You have got to be kidding me.” That was Evie.

I broke away in an instant, to see her standing at the end of the hallway, watching us with disbelief.

“It’s not what it looks like,” I said.

She sighed. “Could you be any more cliché?” Evie turned and walked away.

I didn’t give a shit what Sawyer was doing—she was the only person that mattered. I sprinted to catch up with her. “He kissed me,” I said as we reached the front door.

“You were not struggling.” She didn’t pause, cutting a path down the sidewalk in the direction of her house.

I fell into step beside her, and grabbed her arm.

She jerked away.

“Stop, Evie. Listen to me.”

“No.” She spoke through clenched teeth.

He kissed me. I’d said that once, it didn’t work. “Evie.”


We walked in silence to her place. We walked up to her door, and she never so much as glanced at me, while she shoved her key in the lock.

“I’ll wait out here until you listen to me,” I said.
