Page 51 of Nerd Girl

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Evie finally looked at me, but it was a withering gaze filled with hurt, which drilled a hole through my heart. “‘Night, Gage.” She walked inside and closed the door between us.

It was impossible for me to miss the sound of the deadbolt sliding into place.

How did tonight fall apart so quickly? I wanted to explain, but I was having a hard time wrapping my brain around what happened. I pressed my back to her door, and slid to the ground, landing with a thunk on my ass.

I didn’t know how long I sat there, but my legs were asleep long before Rohde strolled up the walk toward me.

“Go home, Gage.”

“I’m waiting to talk to Evie.” I had to make this right.

He nodded. “I know. She called me.”

I couldn’t… I let out a heavy sigh. “I just want to explain.”

“Let her cool off. This isn’t helping anyone.”

I raked my fingers through my hair. Why did he have to be right? It had taken me decades to realize I wanted more than friendship from Evie, and somehow I was throwing away all my chances, one after another. “Fine.” I wasn’t giving up on her, but he was right, this wouldn’t get me anywhere.



I needed two-point-seven liters of coffee to get started this morning. Why didn’t anyone sell coffee by the liter?

I’d been up long after Rohde made Gage leave last night, wondering if I should follow. Should I text him? Did I overreact?

When I saw Gage and Sawyer together… Kissing… That image played over and over again in my mind. As I fell asleep. In my dreams. Now, while I tried to find enough consciousness to get to work.

I was definitely angry. Hurt. Jealous.

Turned on?

I had too much work to do today to deal with my brain acting like this. Gage and I were friends. Just friends. We both kept confirming as much. I wanted it that way.

In the name of getting anything done, I pushed the thoughts aside, and headed into my store.

I reached my office in the back of the hardware store, and my brain still wasn’t leaving things alone. If I talked this out with Gage, maybe it would help. I hated the idea of being on the outs with him.

A text message should work.

Me: About last night…

His answer came though almost immediately, which made me smile more than maybe it should.

Gage: I’m sorry.

Me: It’s not my place to say who you kiss.

Typing the words didn’t feel right, but it was true. I had no say in that.

Gage: It could be.

What? What was that supposed to mean?

Me: You enjoyed it.

Why did I say that? Did I need company in the fact that I still thought about the way Sawyer kissed? Did I want to keep being mad?
