Page 61 of Nerd Girl

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And why did he think this was the right time to say something?

Because now he could. Because of me and Sawyer.

There was no me and Sawyer.

My brain didn’t like that thought any more than the notion that Gage might be interested in someone else. “We’re grown fucking adults. Tell her. Ask her out or something.” I couldn’t keep the irritation out of my voice.

“Can I buy you dinner tomorrow night?”

What the…? “If you don’t want to have a real conversation, just tell me.” I shouldn’t be angry, but the way he was jumping from one subject to the next…

Was easier to focus on than my fracturing heart.

“You said to ask her out.” Gage’s voice softened.


“The girl I like.”

My brain was catching up, but I refused to let the thought form. Gage wasn’t keeping that kind of secret. I hadn’t missed… We didn’t keep secrets from each other, because those had nearly destroyed us in past relationships.

Gage cupped my face between his hands, and my heart leaped into my throat. The way he kissed me made a little voice in my head chant it’s you, it’s you, it’s you. I wasn’t focused on anything but how good his mouth felt against mine, though. His tongue probing my mouth. One hand sliding to the back of my neck to hold me captive. This was like Wendover, like in my kitchen, but with a passion behind it that erased the rest of the world while we were locked together.

“What is this?” I asked when we broke apart. I was pretty sure I knew, but he hadn’t said it yet and I was terrified he wouldn’t give me the answer I wanted.

“It’s you. The woman I like is you.”

Told you so. “Yeah?” What about Sawyer?

My brain could turn off now, please. This gorgeous, amazing man who was so good to me and did so much for me and who I had so much fun with and who filled me with warm fuzzies liked me. As in, kiss me until my heart grew wings kind of liked me. “I like you too.”

Gage’s grin was cocky but sweet. “I really want to drag you into the supply closet and prove how much I like you, but I feel like there’s another conversation we need to finish. Why Sawyer?”

“You kissed him.” It was a bad counter on my part, but I didn’t know how to answer his question.

“He kissed me. You slept with him.” Gage teased. There was no meanness in his voice.

Nope. I still didn’t know how to answer Gage’s question. “Slept. Exactly. And it was more like a fitful doze.”

Maybe Sawyer wasn’t all asshole, but he wasn’t Gage, who was always here for me. “I was so stressed yesterday.” I was trying to explain this to myself as much as him. “And I think Terrance is stealing from me—”

“Whoa. What? How do you leave that out? Isn’t he working right now? Why didn’t you fire him?”

I didn’t appreciate my decisions being called into question again and again. “I have to be sure. I installed cameras yesterday.”

“And talked to the police.”

Shit. I should’ve done that, or at least clued someone in that I had my suspicions. “Not yet. I was going to do that today. Soon. Next.”

Gage flexed his fingers and clenched and unclenched his fist. “So I can’t walk down to your hardware store and beat the shit out of Terrance.”

How incredibly caveman, but also sweet. “No. But I will head to the police next and tell someone what I’m up to, and about the cameras.”

“I want to ask all the questions,” Gage said. “How you found it, how long it’s been going on, but I feel like we can do that after. Have dinner with me tomorrow night?”

Because I was closing tonight, and he already knew that, because he kept track of my schedule. “Definitely. Yes.” I was giddy at the idea of Gage and me. Officially. A couple. Dating. More kisses like those amazing ones I’d already experienced.

And I was upset all over again about Terrance, and still had no idea how I felt about Sawyer or why it was anything besides a strong dislike.
