Page 94 of Nerd Girl

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I got the same result from Gage.

I couldn’t let this happen to her. I called them both back and left them the same messages. “You need to call me back the instant you get this. You’re about to lose your property. They’re selling it out from underneath you, and you need to put a stop to it.”

I sent them text messages too.

Time was ticking away, though. I needed to do something now.



For the last two days, since I kicked Sawyer out of my shop, two thoughts had been in my head above all others.

Gage loves me.

And “I don’t want things with Sawyer to have been a lie.” I didn’t mean to say that out loud. So far I’d kept the thought to myself.

I was an idiot for feeling that, wasn’t I? Every instinct, every bad experience, every mistake I’d made around me, said yes.

Saying the words aloud felt good, though. They were a relief.

Gage glanced at me from the driver’s seat. He was currently taking us to the garage out west, where we could test the bot. We were driving an identical route to the one we took the day we met Sawyer. Today our exit came earlier, but the familiar road had me remembering.

“I don’t think they were a lie,” Gage said.

My heart skipped. I wanted to believe him. It was so dangerous to let my guard down, though. “But how do you know? How would I know?”

You could’ve heard him out. That voice sounded smart, but also completely irrational. Hearing people out meant giving them room for more lies. Travis. Don.

But I listened to my friends all the time. Misunderstandings happened.

“He called us both dozens of times yesterday,” Gage said.

“Because he’s already told us, he doesn’t give up.”

Gage took the appropriate exit, which looked like it led to salted sand dunes and nothing else. “But he already had. He walked away from trying to buy from you.”

Yeah. He had. And yesterday, I doublechecked with his friend in Atlanta, to make sure I was still on to use this bot to try to win a contract for parts making. That was a lot of effort for Sawyer to go through to meet his goals.

“I talked to him this morning.” Gage navigated the roads as if we’d driven them dozens of times, despite us never being out here.

The news should surprise me. I should be upset that he’d talked to Sawyer. I didn’t know. “What did he say?”

“He said he didn’t know about the bank thing until a few days ago. He didn’t keep it a secret to try to trick you, but because he didn’t think it mattered at this point. He said he’s jealous of how good we are together.”

But he’s good with us.

Fucking brain. I hated that thought. I loved it at the same time. “What if I listen to him… and I can’t tell if it’s the truth.” Admitting that was what scared me was hard.

“Have you noticed how aggressive he tends to be with the truth?” Gage asked. “To the point where he’s said some shitty things?”

I had. “That’s not my question.” I fixed my gaze on the salty dust that kicked up around us. By the time we stopped, Gage’s black SUV was going to be a mottled gray. “What if I put my trust in the wrong person again?”

“You trust me.”


“And Alys and Aubrey. Elaina.”
