Page 25 of My Elusive Mate

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“I guess you can take Hone. Or Billy,” George mused. “Of course, you’d have to share a room. And a bed.” He shook his grizzled head. “Two taniwha in the same space. Add in a blue moon and things might get a mite ugly.”

Fuck. Jack sent a hard glare at his boss. Trapped as neat as an eel in a net. Jack shuffled through the range of possibilities and came up blank. “Who is she?”

“A new operative.”

Great.Just bloody great. Not only was he forced to take a female partner, he was getting a raw beginner. Jack didn’t trust himself to speak so he firmed his mouth, folded his arms across his chest and scowled his displeasure.

“I’m teaming you with Emma Montrose.”

“Your secretary?” Jack heard disbelief in his voice but thought he managed to keep his panic to himself. What the hell did a secretary know about investigating a case? What about the danger? To both of them. They would have to share a room, for God’s sake. Jack refused to let his mind dwell on Emma’s sexy legs…or the rest of her curvy form.

“Emma’s capable of assisting you on this case.”

“Assign me another case.” Spending time alone with Emma was enough to give any hot-blooded male ideas. Jack wasn’t interested in anything but sex. No relationships for him. Been there. Done that. Chucked away the T-shirt.

Nope. It was best he kept well away from the very curvy, brown-haired Emma Montrose. Every time he came into the office, her big blue eyes trailed after him like a pet dog expecting a treat, except instinct told him she had more in mind than stroking or petting. That was part of what caused his edginess whenever he was in her presence. A woman of Emma’s caliber craved happily-ever-after.

Not his goal. Not anymore.

Some of the taniwha shifters—George, for example—were happily married, but finding a woman comfortable with her man turning into a dragon wasn’t easy. It was a rare female who coped with the idea that her children might carry the taniwha gene. Or might not, depending on fate. The peculiarities of the taniwha species had rattled his ex-lover. She hadn’t been able to cope with hisugly appearanceand had run despite his assurances she would always remain human. He hadn’t even reached the part about taniwha living longer—around thirty years longer—than the average human before his lover had run. Too late to tell her the benefit would extend to her.

“Did you say share a room?” Jack ignored the interested twitch from his cock.

“And a bed. But if you don’t think you can act as part of a couple with Emma, I’ll send Hone. He’s due off assignment tomorrow.”

Jack considered that for all of two seconds. He’d seen the way Hone looked at Emma. “I’ll do it,” he said, even though deep in his gut, he knew he’d regret this decision. “Give me the details.”

Thenextmorning,Emmamarched into the offices of George Taniwha Investigators and Security, a woman on a mission. After spending her twenty-fifth birthday with her girlfriends and not one suitable male candidate in sight, she’d made a resolution. With the help of her tipsy friends, she’d decided to go for broke.

Get Jack Sullivan to notice her or bust.

A smile—was that too much to ask? No, dammit, it wasn’t, and that would be just the start. She intended to progress from there—from a smile and good morning to down-and-dirty sex. Her breasts tingled at the thought and a swooping sensation spiraled to her lower belly. Of course, she wouldn’t go as far as stalking, but she wasn’t going to act the shy little wallflower either.

Emma Montrose was coming out of the shade and going after the man she wanted. She intended to channel the fictional taniwha on George Taniwha Investigators and Security’s letterhead—formidable and determined, ready to scare Jack into thinking her way. By the time she was finished, he’d know of her interest. Then, he could take the next step.

She drew herself up.

No.That wasn’t right.

She refused to let him slide from her sights without a fight. She’d take the second step and as many other steps as the situation required.

Emma pushed aside several possible scenarios, concentrating on and visualizing the one she wanted. A secret smile curled across her lips as she fluffed her short curly hair.

Two lovers.

Emma and Jack.

Horizontal dancing.

Heat seeped into her cheeks. Emma yanked out her office wheelie chair, plonked down her butt and grabbed up a pile of envelopes off the desk to fan her face. This brave new Emma might embarrass her a little, but she’d try to keep up.

The front door of the office opened, and she straightened abruptly, her spine hitting the back of the chair.Well. No time like the present to put her plan into action.

Emma put her best receptionist manner into practice and flashed a smile. “Good morning, Jack.”

The man froze in a possum-in-headlights pose, giving Emma the opportunity to look her fill. He was tall and built with a rower’s powerful shoulders, slim hips and a butt that her fingers itched to grope. His hair was shiny black, halfway between short and long and in need of a cut, making her fingers itch to smooth the messy strands away from his face. A dreamy sigh squeezed past her lips. Blessed with sun-kissed skin, no matter what the season, she often fantasized about his appearance beneath the layers of clothing. Did the gorgeous olive tones—a legacy from his Maori ancestors—extend all over his body? Hopefully she’d sit in a position of knowledge soon.

