Page 26 of My Elusive Mate

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The word came out as a grunt, but it was an improvement on his usual silence or what she called the office furniture treatment. She forced away a surge of nerves and looked him straight in the eye. “Are you here to see George?”


“Okay.” Emma’s breath caught, her lungs filling with his seductive scent—something that reminded her of the mystical Orient with hints of orange and patchouli and a healthy dose of masculine musk. She stared, and the act of holding his gaze propelled heat across her skin. A hot fiery surge of self-conscious emotion.



A challenge to her goal.

She sucked in a deep breath and puffed it back out again. The sight of his gorgeous masculine attributes made a woman imagine skin-to-skin contact. That big, strong form moving against hers, thrusting deep into her pussy, callused hands fondling her breasts, fingers plucking at her nipples. A sensuous shiver swept her and arousal soaked her panties without warning.

She gulped and licked suddenly dry lips. All that from merely passing pleasantries. What would happen if they were naked? Together?

Get a grip, she thought sternly as her hormones danced a frenzied jitterbug. A cough cleared her throat. “I’ll let him know you’re here.”

Hmmm. Not bad for the first time. She’d improve with the next meeting.

“I don’t mind waiting.”

Emma felt her eyes grow round. Huh? What was wrong with this picture?

Jack closed the distance between them and used his forefinger to tap her under the chin. Her heart stuttered in a mad gallop. She gasped, jerking from his touch in outright shock.

The door from the street burst open, and George bounded inside followed by his son, Hone. “Ah, you’re here, Jack. I thought you might change your mind.”

“No,” Jack snapped, glaring at Hone.

Hone ignored Jack’s scowl and sauntered across the office to stop beside Emma. “Hello, sweetheart.” He hauled her from her chair and wrapped her in a breath-stealing bear hug.

“Put her down,” Jack growled.

“But I haven’t seen her for a week.” Hone nuzzled her neck and Emma giggled. “She’s my girl.”

“Don’t you have a case to solve?” Jack looked as if he wanted to punch his friend.

Not in the least perturbed by his buddy’s bad temper, Hone parked his butt on the corner of her desk and flashed a sexy grin. Emma sighed as she peeked through lowered lashes at Jack’s surly face. Why couldn’t she fall for Hone instead of grumpy Jack? It was a mystery, all right. Although Hone made her smile and was easy on the eye, he didn’t affect her heart rate in the slightest.

Not like Jack.

George shook his head. “Hone, I want you to check into a case that came in yesterday. Mrs. Denning has a thief she needs to flush out. Emma can give you the details. Jack, I want to go over a few details regarding the case we discussed yesterday.” He strode toward his office but paused in the doorway. “Emma, I need to see you in my office once you’re finished with Hone.”

Bother. She’d hoped George might let her gain some practical experience with Mrs. Denning’s case. Obviously not. She scowled and decided it was time to remind George of his promise.

Five minutes later, Emma knocked lightly on George’s door and entered. She carried a pad and pen to take notes. Jack was sprawled in a chair near the window. He jumped to his feet on seeing her.

“Ah, good.” George checked his watch then stood. “I have a golf date. I’ll leave you in Jack’s capable hands.”

George’s words echoed in her mind for long drawn-out seconds. She heard the click of the door as her boss departed but couldn’t concentrate on anything except the concept of capable hands. A mental picture popped into her mind, aided by fertile imagination. Masculine hands cupping her naked breasts, fingers plucking her sensitive nipples.

Oh, my. She subsided into a chair in case her legs buckled. Without warning, her cotton blouse felt several sizes too small and her face glowed with enough heat to cook a batch of pikelets for morning tea. She fanned her cheeks vigorously with her notepad.

“Are you feeling all right?” Emma’s head snapped up to find Jack’s enigmatic gaze settled on her. “You’ll be as useful as a war canoe without a warrior to paddle if you fall sick.”

“What…what do you mean?” Emma thought she understood but wanted clarity and confirmation.

“George wants you to help me with my case.”
