Page 27 of My Elusive Mate

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Emma jumped to her feet and pumped her fist in the air. “Yes!” She did an impromptu jig before noticing his gaze on her bouncing breasts. Emma froze then dropped into her chair, striving to keep embarrassment from crawling across her face. Shemustwork on maintaining her cool.

“Don’t get too excited. You’re along on a trial basis. You help out with the grunt work. Do what I say, when I say with no questions asked. Clear?”

“No problem.” Emma restrained her celebratory grin and the urge to give him a cheeky salute.Hot damn. She was gonna be a private dick. “What’s the case?”

“We’re investigating the Mahoney Resort on Waiheke Island. We think there’s a drug ring running out of the resort. Sports-enhancing drugs.”

“Sounds great. Are we going for the day? When are we going?” Emma was finding it difficult to sit still instead of dancing in celebration. Her first case and closer contact with Jack all in one hit. Life couldn’t get much better.

Jack scowled, a fierce frown, no doubt in an attempt to burst her bubble of enthusiasm. “We’re going for a week. You’ll need to pack tonight since we leave for Waiheke tomorrow. Here’s the file. Read the documents carefully and let me know if you have questions.”

Emma nodded eagerly. Their hands brushed during the file transfer and a frisson of pleasure zapped down her arm. Surprised, she jerked away, almost dropping the info in her haste. “I’ll read it,” she promised, her gaze lowering to screen her reaction. Her stomach swooped and plunged as if she were attached to a bungee cord. Aware of the burgeoning silence and Jack’s disapproval, she hurried into speech. “What time do we leave?”

“The ferry departs at ten tomorrow morning. I’ll pick you up at nine-thirty.”

“I live at—”

“I know your address. Don’t be late.”
