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“What do you mean?”

“I’ve spent the last several years suffering from mate withdrawal symptoms.” He rubs his sternum.

“But you don’t have a soul.”

“Yes. That is the issue. I don’t know if I’ll die from this, or if I’ll just have unending suffering.”

“I’m sorry.” And I really am. I can’t imagine going back to a world without Hannah, but there’s an upside to this. “Hey, if you die, at least you’ve got a way out.”

One weakness in Vaeront’s power is the fact that he can’t bring someone back if they die from mate separation.

So, if that happens, Number Two will be free, once and for all.

A flash of whimsical longing twinkles in his eyes. “I sincerely hope for that day.”


It’s terribly morbid, carrying around the body of the woman I love, but I’m not willing to put her down.

Not yet.

“Just a little longer, darling,” I say to Hannah’s corpse, noting how insane I sound speaking to a dead person. “Soon, we’ll be together again.”

Hiding behind some bushes on the far side of the meadow, I zero in on the location I’d pictured in my mind before forming the vortex.

Hannah’s there, among the wildflowers.

Healthy. Happy. Completely oblivious to how her life is about to change.

Her hair is glossy, her body is fuller, and her skin is tan because of vitality and the summer season.

The air is sweet and fresh, both from nature and Hannah, and I breathe in the intoxicating scent.

It’s evening, just as I’d wanted it to be. The sun is setting as the day comes to an end. Any customers on the farm should be gone, back to their homes.

A melody floats on the breeze as Hannah hums while crouching to pull at some stems. Such a carefree sound. I’ve never heard her sing like that. Guess she was too sick for it.

There’s an upside to taking her while she’s healthy. Abducting her out of the blue isn’t an attractive option, but this Hannah isn’t traumatized.

This Hannah hasn’t suffered from unspeakable pain.

This Hannah doesn’t know what it’s like to die.

We’re starting over. Things will be different this time. I silently swear it to myself, wishing I had a soul to bind the promise to.

Still carrying the destroyed version of Hannah, I emerge from the trees.

With purposeful strides, I approach my woman as my black heart hammers in my chest.

To be continued…
