Page 26 of Protector

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“Uh...” Shit. My brain is officially broken. He knows I can’t hook up with anyone here. Is he saying... No. No way is he suggesting that we... Nope. Can’t let my brain go there. It’ll never ever work again if I let my brain go to Adam and me having...

“Zach?”Oh yeah. Words.

Words would be good. But I can’t seem to form them as I stare at him and into those big blue eyes I know so well. That are so familiar to me that I feel instant comfort any time those eyes are on me. “Um, what?” I manage, but my voice breaks on the question.

“Look, we don’t have a game this Friday. It’s our one week off. So I booked us a hotel.”

Holy fucking shit. My cock is rock-hard in my jeans, and I hope like hell that the denim is strong enough to hold it in and hide my predicament. He can’t mean what my stupid-ass brain is hoping he means.

Hotel room. Adam and me?

“A hotel?” Jesus Christ, Zach. Get it together.

But Adam must not notice my complete lack of cognitive function because he goes on excitedly, “Yeah. But not here. I got it in this town three hours away. It’s a good-sized town, and no one will know who we are. I booked it for Friday and Saturday nights.”

Phew. That is a whole lot of alone time. He can’t mean this though.

I have to get myself to focus. He’s demisexual or quite possibly asexual. He said he doesn’t obsess about sex or really think about it all that often. So, him doing this for me? What would that mean?

I want Adam. There’s absolutely no denying that anymore, but I don’t want him to do something like this just for me. And God knows he would. He would do anything for me. Even if he didn’t want it or enjoy it.

I can’t let him do this. “Adam.” I force myself to speak up, my voice sounding strangled because every single part of me wants to let him do this. My body is screaming. My heart is yelling. My brain even wants this, but I can’t do it.

“No, listen. I know you worry about your sisters.”

Oh my God, my sisters. What kind of monster am I that I didn’t even think about them at all during this conversation?Of course I can’t leave them for an entire weekend. My grandma can handle one night, but two? There’s no way. “I can’t leave them.”

This is good. It’s at least an excuse to why I’m turning down my number-one fantasy. Two whole nights alone with Adam, when he’s trying to get me some sexual experience.

My dick jerks again in my pants, and I try to steady my breathing, telling my body to calm the hell down. “I know that. Who do you think you’re talking to?” He’s grinning wide and happy. I love it. And I hate it.

Because I can’t let him do this.

“Your sisters are going to stay with my mom for the weekend. She’s even going to pick them up from school on Friday. And then, we’ll be back Sunday evening.”

“Your mom?”

He nods exuberantly. “Yeah. She’s excited. She said they can have popcorn and watch movies without explosions for once. Maybe paint their nails. Have a total girls’ weekend.”

I can’t help smiling at that because his mom had four boys, and all four boys are very damn loud. Not one of them likes anything without explosives or lots of cursing. I don’t think they’ll let their mom paint their nails. My sisters like romcoms and Disney. They’d love manis and pedis. Maybe even baking. I know Mary would.

“All weekend?” I ask because that’s a lot.

“Yeah. My mom is practically giddy. She can’t wait. She loves her boys, there’s no doubt, but she’s pretty damn excited about this.”

I frown. “My mom. Elliot.” I shake my head. “They’ll never go for it.”

He grins surely at me. “I already asked.” His shoulders slump slightly now though. “Your mom sounded almost relieved.”

I think that over for a moment. I don’t talk to my mom that much. I’m too damn mad at her for making us put up with Elliot, but I always hope that deep down she knows that he’s not good for us. That if push came to shove, she’d be on our side.

“A hotel.” I let myself think about it. “Three hours away.”

He’s back to full-on smiling now. “Yeah.” He lowers his voice. “And there’s this club close to our hotel. Like three blocks away.”

“A club?”

He nods his head, his eyes going bright. “Yeah. It’s a gay club. You can find someone to hook up with. And it’s three hours from here. You’ll have a hotel room. You can get as much experience as you need.”
