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The heat remained even when one side of his lips started to curve up in a smirk. “If you want to stake your claim on it, love, it’s all yours.”

With that, he turned on his heel and headed toward the back of the ship.



My head was spinning. Three days ago, I was sure I’d never see Hook again.

Now, here I was, back on his ship, in his realm.

And in his room.

It was just like I remembered it. Warm and masculine. The wall of windows dominated the space, even covered as it was with ceiling-to-floor curtains that were dyed an erotic, deep red and accented with a muted jacquard pattern that was so very Hook.

Between me and those curtains was a heavy oak table—the very same table where he and I had shared an incredibly tense meal when we barely knew each other.

It felt like that night was years in the past, and yet, everything was the same.

It was all so unreal.

“Looks like the universe proved me wrong,” I muttered.

“What was that?” Hook asked from behind me.

I turned, taking a moment to drink him in, too. And I’d be damned if he didn’t look tense as hell. “I was just thinking about how I didn’t think I’d ever be here again. Looks like I was wrong.”

“It wasn’t the universe that brought you here.”

I smirked. “No, I’m pretty sure that was you.”

“You know I had no choice, right? The shadow had the pendant—”

I held up a hand to stop him. “I know. Trust me, I had a front-row seat to the whole show. Plus, I told you to do it.”

Relief smoothed some of the tension lines around his lips and eyes. “Indeed.”

Closing my eyes, I pulled in a deep breath and reveled in the feel of the space. Not just because I was surrounded by all things Hook. That breath was the first one I’d drawn in ages that didn’t feel like there was a thousand-pound boulder sitting on my chest.

“What about everyone else? They okay?” I asked.

He nodded.

“What about Leo?”

“Sleeping like the dead in the war room.”

Relief and a touch of something a little warmer trickled through my veins. “So, we’re alone?” I looked pointedly at the door he’d left wide open.

His eyes narrowed, and he kicked it shut without looking at it. “We are now.”

“And your clothes are still on because?” I asked, giving him a mischievous smile.

My world was upside down. I was trapped in this realm while my brother was in the human world. That sucked on so many levels, but I had to take the good with the bad. The demon was where she was supposed to be and, somehow, I felt more alive than I had in years.

And now that it was finally just the two of us, I wanted Hook in a powerful way.

His expression turned dark, smoldering in a way that was purely him. “Ladies first.”
