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Oh, he wants to play that game?I glanced down at myself and winced. Goddamn, I needed a shower.But maybe I can work this to my advantage.

Pulling my head back up, I motioned to his feet. “In that case, the lady wants you to take your boots off.”

His responding smile was a thing of beauty. There was humor and joy and heat all rolled into that sexy curve of his lips.

He toed off one boot, then the other, and tucked them neatly next to the loveseat. Before I even had to ask, his socks were gone too. “What would the lady like next?”

The question sent a shiver through me. It was so strange to have him playing the submissive after our reunion back in the club. I also had a pretty good idea, once we were in throes of passion, that playing would go right out the window.

“Remove your shirt,” I said quietly. When he reached for the hem, I held up a finger. “Slowly.”

His smirk turned wicked, but he inched the fabric up, revealing his lower abs and the thin, irresistibly hot trail of dark hair that disappeared beneath the waist of his pants.

I shifted where I stood, heat already pooling between my thighs. When he lifted the shirt over his head, giving me the full view of his strong arms and muscular shoulders, I was practically drooling.

He held the shirt in front of him, so I crossed to him and tried to snag it from his grip, only he didn’t let go. “The lady would like to keep this,” I said, a rush of nervous energy pitching my voice a shade higher than I’d intended.

Hook’s gaze dropped to my lips before drifting back up. “I would be willing to part with it. For a kiss.”

He let go and I stepped back. I shook the shirt out, pretending to examine it when what I really wanted to do was hold it to my face and breathe it in.

Screw it.Balling it up, I brought it up and inhaled deeply. Scents of leather and saltwater and raw male energy filled my senses, damned near bringing tears to my eyes because of how much I’d missed him in the weeks we were apart.

How the hell did he smell so good?

A low rumble filled the space between us. “That wasn’t very ladylike.” His voice was deep and dripping with want.

“Does that mean you don’t want that kiss?”

“I said no such thing.”

I tossed the shirt on the loveseat and stepped forward until we were an inch apart. Tipping my head up, I said, “Then take your kiss, pirate.”

His eyes had that sexy, glowing ring of amber around the iris, a hint of the power hiding within. Instead of pressing his lips to mine, his hand wrapped around my neck and pushed, forcing me to walk backward until the backs of my legs hit the bed.

With a devious little flick of his tongue over his canine, he reached down and flipped the button on my jeans.

“Whoa there, sailor. You said a kiss.”

“I didn’t specify where, now did I?”

Biting my lip, I shook my head. “I need a bath before—”

“Even better.” With that, he ducked, tossed me over his shoulder, and headed for his washroom.

“Hey!” I batted half-heartedly at his back. The man was ridiculous, and over the top, and all I could do was laugh. “I’m pretty sure we won’t both fit in that tub.”

“We don’t need to.” Once inside, he set me down gently, and got to work drawing a bath.

I wondered briefly where the hot water came from. A boiler maybe? Or magic?

“How warm?” he asked, letting the water run over his hand.

I thought about everything I’d been through since my last shower. “Hot enough to cleanse my soul would be good.” If I ever managed to forget the nasty, oily feeling of Petra’s shadow taking over my body, I would count myself lucky.

A hint of worry creased his brow. “Are you not feeling yourself?”

“I’m fine.”
