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Heidi nodded.

“How did he die?” Keith prayed he hadn’t suffered. Then the date registered. “1989? He was only twenty-two.” That explained the sudden radio silence.

“He and his mom had taken a trip to the outback. They were driving along a road at dusk. Apparently, kangaroos come out to feed at that time, and sometimes they get dazed by the lights. Anyhow, that’s what happened. One of them hopped across the road and catapulted into the windshield.”

He gaped at her in horror. “Oh God.”

Fresh tears fell. “The article said that if the kangaroos aren’t dead on impact, once they enter the car, they kick and struggle violently to escape. Darrell did a little research. Their claws are razor sharp and can inflict massive damage. Some of the big red kangaroos stand well over six feet tall.” Another hard swallow. “Neither of them survived.”

“Isabelle died too?”

She nodded. “Darrell also managed to locate Michael’s sister, Ellen. He spoke with her husband, Dante.” She gave a hard swallow. “He said Ellen never really recovered from losing her mom and brother like that. She had a kind of... breakdown, and it affected her mind.” Her face tightened. “Dante kept apologizing for not getting in touch with you all these years. He said he believed you’d been told about Michael’s death, and that you hadn’t wanted to get in touch because it was too painful.”

“Who would have told me?” Then it hit him. “Bill. He told Dante he’d see to it, didn’t he?” Bill would be eighty by now, if he was still alive.

And if he was, Keith hoped there was a lingering death in store for him.

Hot tears pricked his eyelids, and he wanted to cry out with the pain that speared through his heart once more. Although he grieved to hear the manner of Michael’s death, his prevailing thought was a selfish one.

He’s never coming back here.

He’d lost Michael forever.

He couldn’t speak. He didn’t want to see anyone.

Heidi didn’t sit. “I’ll be back tomorrow. I know there’s nothing I could say that would help. I just wanted you to know.” She kissed his forehead. “I’m so, so sorry, Keith. He was a lovely person. He didn’t deserve to die so young or in such a shocking way. He had all his life ahead of him.”

A life that could have included me.

Bill had put a stop to that, whether by accident or design.

Keith grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “Thank you. You’re right. I need to be on my own right now.”

She nodded, kissed him again, then left the room.

Keith closed his eyes.

Oh Michael. I loved you so much. I could have spent the rest of my days showing you how much I loved you.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Keith had no idea what time it was. All he knew was that he couldn’t sleep, and he needed to see Yuri one more time.

He had one memory left to share before it was too late.

Minutes ticked by, swelling into hours, and for the first time, fear gripped him that Yuri wouldn’t come.

Don’t tell me your visits are over. Not tonight, Yuri. I need you.

A gentle hand touched his brow. “Hey. I’m here.” Yuri leaned over, his eyes warm.

Keith tried to speak, but his voice cracked and his tears started afresh.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me. I know.” Yuri plucked a tissue from the box on the nightstand and wiped Keith’s damp cheeks.

Keith stared at him. “Did you know when we spoke last night?” Speech came slower than before, and that was down to his breathing.

Yuri bowed his head.

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