Page 31 of Ruthless Empire

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“None ofyourbusiness.”

“Well, unlucky for you, I don’t appreciate being threatened in my own car.” I slap her hand away and grip the gun, my other hand going around her throat before she can take her next breath. Fear and fury mingle in her green eyes, and it turns me on to the point where if I were in a position to, I would fuck her until she begged for mercy.

As it is, I’m not interested in her.

I am, however, interested in what she has to say about where Dante is. “Where is he?”

“No idea,” she chokes out.

“Don’t believe you,” I murmur.

“He left earlier. He didn’t tell me where he was going, okay?”

“Do you have the means to track him down?”


“Wrong answer.” I take the gun and press it under her chin, seeing the terror before she crushes it into defiance. She is strong, I’ll give her that. “Get out of my car before I cover my fancy leather seats in your brains, and I won’t be so hesitant to pull the trigger.”

“Fuck you,” she snarls as I let her go, and she scrambles to open the door.

“You aren’t my type.”

She smirks at me again as she bends down to glare at me, leaning heavily on the door. “I’m everyone’s type.” Slamming it shut in my face, she strides off.

I have to admire her loyalty, but she has pissed me off.


Was she distracting me from the bigger picture? Scanning the area around the office building, I am almost sure I will see Dante sneaking off. This whole thing has been a set-up to distract me while he gets away.

“Where the fuck did you go, arsehole?”

Seeing crowds of people milling about on the street on this freezing late afternoon, I narrow my eyes. “Where are you?”

Hissing in frustration, I don’t see the man I’m looking for, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t bypassed him. I dislike being made a fool of, and I know for a fact that this was a way for Dante to get past me. So he knows I’m behind this, and he knows I’m watching him. Not that this bothers me. If anything, I’m glad he knows. It has forced him into action because he knows I won’t hesitate to bring the Don down.

He is on his way to the Don now, I know it, and I will find them both if it’s the last thing I ever do. It doesn’t even bother me in the slightest that it might be. If this ends up with all three of us in the ground, I don’t have a problem with that at all.



Glad to finally be crawling into my bed after a long day that has been made more exhausting by the constant need to be on the front foot with Gideon, I sigh and flop on my back. Staring at the ornate light fitting above my bed, I snuggle further into the luxury of this enormous, circular bed. Even with its shape, you could easily fit three across it at the top. The brushed cotton, deep pink sheets, and cosy duvet are warm and gorgeous, and I could stay here forever.

As my eyes close, I’m jolted out of my semi-slumber by a loud noise.




“What the fuck is that?” I mumble and get out of bed. I’m assuming investigating loud noises is on my list of things to do.

Sneaking down the stairs, pulling my white cotton dressing gown tighter around my white cotton pyjama’d body, I jump a mile when I hear the noise again.

