Page 32 of Ruthless Empire

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“The fucking door? Who the fuck is that?” Grumbling to myself that my sleep has been interrupted by a visitor, I stride across the entrance hall in my freezing bare feet and yank it open, ready to give whoever it is a piece of my mind.

As it happens, I don’t get very far with that because it is none other than the giant Security guy from the gates.

“Package for the Boss.”

He thrusts it at me in a black metal box with a lock on it.

“It’s been checked for explosive, biological and chemical components. It’s clean.”

Blinking as I take the box in two hands, I murmur. “Uhm, thanks?”

He sneers and marches off, leaving me to close the door, stare at the box, and then gingerly hold it away from me, hoping the security guy was right and it is clean.

Moving swiftly across the hall, I knock on the already open door of Gideon’s office, but he isn’t there, so I figure he must’ve gone up to bed already. Dithering about leaving it here or taking it to him, Sophia didn’t say in her comprehensive file about the protocol here, I eventually decide to try him upstairs. I feel this is the lesser of two evils because at least I tried to get the package to him as soon as possible. Taking the stairs quickly, I pause outside the door, which is also slightly ajar. Does this man not believe in closing doors around here?

Propping the box under my arm, I rap lightly and call out, “Gideon?”

When there is no answer, I push the door open a bit farther and say louder, “Gideon? Are you in here? I’ve got a package.”


Shoving the door wide open, as I take a step into the room, intending to leave the box on the dresser where he can see it, I come to a complete standstill as the wind rushes into the room through the open balcony doors, casting rain and leaves onto the immaculate white carpet. But that’s not what makes my blood run a bit hotter.

On the gigantic TV screen on the wall opposite the bed, there is porn playing with the sound down. Pressing my lips together as the woman gets railed by not one but three guys in all her holes, I get a little sweaty, my gaze fixed on this scene in front of me. I’m not one to watch porn. It makes me feel slightly inferior. A few years back, I had a boyfriend who was into that and wanted me to be more uninhibited, but that’s just not me. He eventually called it quits when I was no more adventurous than letting him give it to me doggy-style and baulked at the suggestion when he wanted to slip it in the back door.

Staring at the woman on TV, she is in her element. These guys are practically drooling all over her. She holds all the power even though there are three of them and one of her. Without her, their dicks would be in their hands. I back away when the positions change, and two of the guys drive their huge cocks into her pussy at the same time and drop the box on the dresser, leaving for safer pastures. Clearly, Gideon is into all that, so fantasising about him as I have been doing is a pipe dream. But this is good. This means that I can forget about the arousal he tends to bring to my party and focus on the work. That is what I’m here for.

Blowing out a breath as I escape the sex show, I realise I’m wide awake now, so I head back down to the kitchen to make a mug of hot cocoa, wondering where Gideon is anyway.

Back in the kitchen, I boil the kettle and make the cocoa, throwing in a few tiny marshmallows for extra comfort and then shove the door open to head back upstairs.

Music coming from down the hall to the left distracts me. I haven’t explored down there yet, but that is where Gideon must be. Deciding to find him and tell him about the package, I follow Beethoven’s Fifth down a narrow corridor, which, to my surprise, leads to a massive pool room with glass walls and a glass ceiling. Peering around a potted plant, I see Gideon swimming laps in a huge, deep blue, rectangular pool as the symphony blares out of some hidden speakers.

Knowing I should walk away, I can’t. I’m fascinated with his powerful strokes, cutting swiftly through the water. I’m not a great swimmer. To say I learned in school is a vast overstatement, and I haven’t been near a pool since. It’s a shame. That pool looks really inviting, but I’m not shy in saying I’m a bit scared of the water, especially with me being a very weak swimmer.

When he reaches the side and hauls himself out of the pool, I lick my lips as the water drips in rivulets down his hard, sexy body. He rises and moves across to lie down on a lounger.

My eyes widen.

He is naked.

“Fuck,” I mouth and try to move away, but as soon as my foot moves, the music stops, and silence descends in the poolroom. I can’t move now. He will hear me. I should say something, but he will know I’ve been standing here stalking him like some kind of weirdo. Trying to duck further behind the potted plant, willing the music to come on again, fear slices through me when it doesn’t.

What do I do?

Move, Isla. Move, for the love of God!

But I can’t. I’m frozen behind this plant, and when Gideon strokes his stiffening cock with his eyes closed, there is no amount of power that could get me to move. My gaze is riveted to his hand as he clutches his impressive cock and masturbates on the lounger as if this is the most natural thing in the world, and nosey housekeepers aren’t going to happen upon him and stand behind a palm tree watching him while he does it.

My hand shakes as the mug of cocoa in my hand brings me back to reality.

Just as I get up the courage to make a mad dash for it, he climaxes with a loud groan, placing his other hand over his tip while he pumps his cum out onto his palm. He wipes it on the towel, and a slow smile passes over his face.

“Ms Harding. Something I can help you with?”

“Erm,” I stammer, coming out from behind the plant. “Brought you some cocoa.”

He opens his eyes and watches me as I thrust out the mug, walking slowly towards him, hoping he buys my lame cover.
