Page 33 of Ruthless Empire

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He sits up and throws the towel over his lap, holding his hand out for the mug. “How thoughtful.” He takes it and glances down at it before a low chuckle escapes his lips. “Marshmallows?”

“Who doesn’t like teeny marshmallows in their cocoa, hmm?” I ask, getting flustered.

“No one,” he responds. “Thank you.”

He takes a sip, and I grimace. Now, I’ll have to make myself another one. “A package arrived. The security guy said it was clean of explosive, biological and chemical components,” I rattle off the list, sticking my fingers up for added emphasis.

“Which one?”

“Huge guy from the front gate.”

He smirks. “Jon-Jo. But I meant package.”

Heat creeps up my face. “Oh. No idea. It’s in a metal lockbox.”

“Okay. Well, where is it?”

“I left it on your dresser.”

“In my bedroom?”


“I see.”

“You left the balcony doors open. It’s blowing a gale, you know.”

“I know.”

His scrutinising glare is unnerving me.

Then I remember the porn and wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole. I’d forgotten all about that, what with having my own live porn show to drool over.

Fortunately, he doesn’t comment further, so I bob my head and curtsy like a fucking dickhead from Victorian times and back out. “Goodnight, Gideon.”

“Goodnight, Isla.”

Fleeing the poolroom, I forget about another cocoa and just disappear into my bedroom, close the door and crawl under the covers, hoping that when I wake up tomorrow, things will be less heated between the two of us.



Grinning, I drink the rest of the lukewarm cocoa, which is a dead giveaway that Isla was lurking in the shadows for longer than she alluded to. I knew she was there. Eyes on me is definitely something that sends the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. It’s one reason why I decided to masturbate. I wanted to see if she would say or do anything. The fact that she didn’t run speaks volumes, and while I am still disappointed she didn’t approach me and take over, it thrills me to know that she wanted to stay and watch. I’m pushing her buttons, and I will keep pushing them until she can no longer hold onto her professionalism. The porn in my bedroom was accidental. I left it on but didn’t know she would go in there, but it still goes some way in pushing her limits, and I will make sure to have it running twenty-four-seven and definitely getting filthier as the days go on. The possibilities are endless, and it brings me great joy to know she will squirm and fidget and be uncomfortable around it. I know her without knowing much about her. She is not innocent. Her file suggests five serious boyfriends, so one assumes she banged them all many times. However, she does have an innocence about her, which tells me she is very vanilla when it comes to the banging part of relationships. Hell, she has fire in the day-to-day, back and forth banter, and she is thirty-five, so life experience is a given, but sexually, she is my little girl that will blossom under my touch. It makes my cock hard again, just thinking about her being mine. She needs a real man to show her how it can be, and I will be that man if I have to remove every other male on this planet to ensure it.

That reminds me of the package she said was delivered. I expect it to be the bracelet, but I can’t be sure. Packages arrive here all the time.

Picking up the towel as I stand, carrying the mug in my other hand, I make my way to the kitchen to drop off the mug, placing it in the empty dishwasher in completely the wrong place, just to rile her up, and then head up to my bedroom. I’m not a completely helpless idiot, as my darling sister made out, but I think pretending to be for Isla is way more fun than being the sophisticated billionaire she was probably expecting.

Passing Isla’s door on my way down the corridor, I pause, my hand hovering over the doorknob.

Instinct tells me to turn it and to take what I already know is mine, but there is something that stops me from being an arsehole about it. She needs to come to me. I won’t take anything less than her absolute acceptance that we should be together, and that means she has to make the first move. True, I could be waiting a while, but that is what makes it even more exciting.

So, I drop my hand and keep moving until I reach my bedroom. Entering, I close the door quietly and, with a wicked smile, dump the cum covered towel in the laundry basket. She will see it tomorrow, and it will taunt her.

Catching the climax of the porn show where the woman is filled with enough cum for it to seep back out of her holes, I turn my attention to the box. Retrieving the key from under the dresser, I open it and see the flat black velvet box nestled inside. Reaching in, I pick it up and open it, admiring the contents with a critical eye.

Diamonds fascinate me. How they are made, their flaws, their composition and their density. How they go from dull and lifeless to sparkling solitaires that glitter under the bright lights of extravagance. The quality of these diamonds is exceptional, and I’m happy with handing this over to Isla with the knowledge that it is perfect. Wondering when the best time would be to gift this to her, I decide leaving it in her room for her to find would be the most fun for me—maybe mixed in with her underwear. If I leave it lying just anywhere, she will think it’s not for her and return it to me.
