Page 16 of Ruined Beauty

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"What can she do?" I shrug. "Her parents' lives are in the balance. I think she'll stay in line."

"Whatever you say." David gets to his feet. "But I'll bet you didn't tell your father about the murder pit stop you made on the way home. Be more careful, Vladi."

I nod. "I'll look into it,dyadya, and take responsibility for any consequences."

"You're a good boy, Vladi." David pats my shoulder. "Remember, you have a lot to prove. Don't let pussy cloud your judgment, or your enemies will think you're whipped and not up to the job. Nothing makes you more of a puppet than love."

Papa said as much a thousand times. My grandfather did a number on both of his sons. That doesn't mean he was wrong, though.

Where would we be today if Papa had allowed his heart to rule him? Impossible to say, but I doubt we'd be as wealthy or powerful as we are.

Love may be sublime, but the cost is great.

"Don't worry," I say. "I have neither the time nor inclination to get to know Morgana. We have nothing in common. She hates me, too, which helps."

We walk into the foyer, and the sight of Lilyana's piano reminds me of things I prefer to forget. Long-buried memories are pricking my consciousness this evening, and if I dwell on them, I'll sink into an apathetic funk instead of attending to my responsibilities.

"I'm going to see your father," David says as we ascend the stairs. "I won't mention this to him. But I hope you have your head on straight, for all our sakes."

"I'm not gonna choose a woman over our empire. My duty will always come first."

David's words echo in my mind as I head for the kitchen.

My uncle is on my side. But he's got some gall to insinuate that killing Hektor was some kind of tantrum.

I fucking hate vice. Papa always encouraged it—it's easy money and doesn't require a lot of manpower to manage, but it's a dirty, cheap business. I don't want unknown junkie pimps throwing their weight around. Is that so unreasonable?

I'm something of a hypocrite, given that my deal with Morgana isn't a million miles removed, but I don't care.

For twenty years, I built our business interests so we could hide our less legitimate dealings, and I was almost a recluse. I didn't have relationships that lasted longer than a couple of dates.

But Papa couldn't resist a final twist of the knife. He loves his bratva just a little more than he hates me. After all my sacrifices, he still wants me bound to a loveless marriage like his own.

Love is fucking pointless. It doesn't last and can turn any powerful man into a broken shell. I've worked too hard to be undermined by a pretty little redhead with a smart mouth and legs for days.

Morgana is beautiful and intriguing, but that's all. I felt some regret that she'll never care for me, but that was an unacceptable lapse that I'm chalking up to ego on my part. I just don't like that she isn't fawning over me.

I smile as I take the cold cuts from the refrigerator.

Enemies with benefits. That's a thing, right?



"So the super-rich guy you met earlier kidnapped you for his bride and casually murdered Hektor and his boys?" Josie asks. "Do I have that right?"

My cell phone is on loudspeaker mode, and I'm in the walk-in wardrobe, checking out the clothing choices. There's a pair of soft palazzo pants in a cool-looking satin and several cashmere tank tops. I pull the hangers from the rail as I speak.

"I know it sounds crazy," I say, "but I don't think Vlad will let anything happen to us. Hektor is gone."

"There'll be trouble, Morgana. Your man is a big shot, but he isn't the only one."

I peel the dress off my body and dump it on the floor, grateful to be rid of it. The pants feel smooth as I pull them over my legs.

"What can I do about it?" I ask, tugging a tank top over my head and shaking my hair loose. "Vlad doesn't seem worried. I'll talk to him about getting you a proper job, away from all that bullshit."

"I'm surprised at how cool you are about this," Josie says. "For someone who's effectively a captive, you're taking it all in your stride. You like him, don't you?"
