Page 17 of Ruined Beauty

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"Vlad? No. I hate him. He saw something he wanted and took it. He's no better than Hektor, but I'm stuck with it. Again."

"So be careful. I know you and your needy little heart. Jack damn near killed you, and then years later, you fell for the same act from Hektor. You already learned what hell it is to love a toxic man."

I didn't know Josie back then, but I told her the sordid tale from end to end. I hate it when she reminds me of my mistakes, but she means well.

"Please leave it be," I sniff. "I know I look past the bad stuff when I meet someone. But there's no way I'm gonna fall for Vlad. He's a murderer. A blackmailer. An entitled, possessive asshole who needed to hear 'no' a lot more often when he was a kid."

"Okay, if you say so." Josie can tell we're done with the subject. "So what time tomorrow for this wedding dress shopping extravaganza?"

"I don't know. I'll message you. But promise you'll come. I'm in way over my head."

"Of course I will. Try to relax, and I'll see you in the morning."

Josie hangs up, and I feel suddenly alone.

All I wanted was freedom. To pursue my dreams of becoming a photographer and living my damn life. But every choice I made moved me further from that vision.

Thanks, Fate.I was wrecking my life just fine, but no. You had to come along and help.

I really thought Vlad was a hero. He beat up those muggers, sent them packing, flirted with me, and bought me ice cream. So far, so cute.

How could everything have gonesowrong since?

I can't let myself fall again. Although Vlad rescued me from Hektor and gave my father a reprieve, he expects me to pay a steep price. I can stand before a congregation and say meaningless words, but that won't make it real.

I will see this through.The real world is waiting for me.

My stomach is growling. It's weird to call for food like the place is a hotel, so I decide to go foraging. After making a couple of wrong turns, I locate the kitchen and open the door to find Vlad at the counter, spreading something on a slice of bread.

"That's not a burger."

"It's for Lilyana," Vlad says without looking at me. "She has had no supper."

"Isn't this the sort of thing you should delegate to the little people?" I ask, a teasing edge creeping into my voice. He raises his eyes to me.

"My sister needs things done a certain way. It's the housekeeper's day off, and I don't trust anyone else."

Vlad's expression is not inviting, and I stay silent as he redirects his attention to the food. It's fascinating to watch because he's so precise. He spreads mustard and mayonnaise on the bread, carefully smoothing the condiments to the edge before arranging pastrami and slivers of Emmental. He removes the crust and cuts the sandwich in half.

"Come with me." He retrieves a can of Coke from the refrigerator. "I rang out for the burgers. Someone will bring them to us when they arrive. You can say hello to my sister."

* * *

We take the elevator to the fifth, and Vlad knocks on a door.

"Lili, it's Vladi," he says, his voice warm. "I have some food for you."

A girl opens the door, smiling at Vlad. She looks roughly the same age as Avel, and her skin is pale, with freckles scattered over her nose. Her enormous eyes are the same gray as Vlad's, and she has the family's high cheekbones. I try not to stare at the silver scar from her temple into her hairline.

Lilyana sees me, and a dark cloud passes over her brow.

"This is Morgana," Vlad says. "She and I will marry in a couple of days."

"Hiya, Lili," I say, waving.

"Hello," Lilyana says guardedly. "You're pretty. Do you like the piano?"

I smile at her. "Very much. I hope to hear you play soon."
