Page 23 of Ruined Beauty

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Get out of here.

I slide out of bed and make for the door.

"You asshole." Morgana rolls over and opens her eyes. "Howdareyou sneak into bed beside me while I was asleep? We made a deal. Why should I trust you to keep your word aboutanything?"

For once, her anger at me isn't justified. I could tell her she was in distress, how she wrapped herself around me and wouldn't let go. But I say nothing.

She never meant to show her vulnerability to me, and she's in a powerless position already. Better to let her be mad. It's not like it changes anything.

"Sorry,lisichka." I smile and shrug. "But we'll be married in a couple of days. I can't have you getting used to your space."

Morgana clears her throat. "It doesn't matter how close you get," she says, tapping her temple with her fingertip. "You can never get in here. Or," she places her palm over her heart, "here. I've had experience with men like you, and I know what you are. Spoil me, humor me. I don't care. You don't own me."

My indulgence of her will be my undoing. I know it. Just seeing her eyes flash with defiance makes me want to wreck her. If I fucked her sassy mouth hard enough, she'd think twice about giving me all this static.

"Yes, I do," I say. "My parents taught me to put my name on my possessions, and by marrying you, that's exactly what I'll be doing. Enjoy dress shopping, and I'll see you for lunch."



Something is happening here.

Does Vlad know what I did last night? He was unfazed by breaking his promise to me. And he manipulated me into kissing him.

Even if that's true, I wanted it. And seeing Vlad leaning against the doorframe in nothing but his jockeys, smirking at my anger, was…something. I didn't know where to look.

He's toying with me, knowing he has all the power. Or does he? He moaned my name as he jerked himself off. Maybe I have a more substantial effect on him than I thought. He sure as hell wanted to show me that chiseled body.

I close my eyes, trying to block out the memory of his powerful chest, tapering to his lean waist and the narrow strip of hair drawing my eye toward his—

Enough. Even if Vlad is not a man to keep his promises, I'm in no position to act out. I have places to be.

I throw on jeans and a slightly too-small crop top. A devilish thought occurs, and I check the wardrobe. Sure enough, Vlad's shirts are hanging there, crisp and white. I put one on, and it swamps me, but it looks cute when I tie it at the waist. There are several boxes of tennis shoes in different sizes, and I quickly find the ones that will fit. I have little makeup except what's in my purse, but a quick swipe of peachy lip balm makes me look reasonably put-together.

Vlad's aftershave is beside the basin. I spritz it into the air, walking through the scented cloud, the familiar fragrance of my husband-to-be settling on my skin.

I'm still afraid, but it's not the only emotion jostling for space in my mind. A lascivious spike of curiosity has skewered my imagination, and despite my ridiculous predicament, I can't deny my desire for him.

Honestly, Morgana. You should be able to learn from negative conditioning. You're one down to a lab rat.

I used to have a life. I went to parties, all that stuff. I met Jack at a bar, and we hit it off immediately—he was so confident and funny. Before we'd been together a month, he talked about marriage, kids, and a house. I thought I was lucky to meet a man ready for commitment, so I moved into his apartment, and all was well. Then it wasn't.

Jack began to criticize me. It started with small things, like questioning my choice to wear a pretty dress when I was only meeting friends. That kind of thing. Then he'd give me the silent treatment if I ate anything unhealthy, saying I was 'letting myself go.' He wanted me to dye my hair blonde, but I refused.

The first time he hit me was on my twenty-first birthday. I wanted to go out and have a few drinks, but he didn't. I capitulated, but it wasn't enough for him. After a four-hour argument that left me confused and exhausted, I tried to go, and he back-handed me with no warning. His signet ring cut my brow bone, and I was severely bruised. I stayed home for days after, not wanting anyone to see my injuries.

Vlad has a veneer of respectability, obscene amounts of money, and the power that comes from living a life unrestrained by morals, ethics, or the word of law. But under all that, he's another charming, handsome mess with severe control issues.

And judging by my insistence on fantasizing about him, I have learnednothing.

* * *

I find my way to the kitchen and find Lilyana eating maple bacon pancakes. A woman stands at the skillet, her back to me.

"Good morning, Morgana,” Lilyana says. "This is Dulcie, our housekeeper."

Dulcie smiles and wipes her hands on her apron. "Hello. Would you like some pancakes? No one eats them except Lili, but I've made too many as usual."
