Page 30 of Ruined Beauty

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We're alone on a private restaurant rooftop overlooking Central Park South, and Vlad is pouring sparkling water from a carafe.

"Here," he says. "You're tipsy. Get your head on straight."

I'm reeling. Whether it's from the bubbly or his attention is hard to say. Why does all my common sense desert me when he takes control?

"Thanks." I take the drink and sip it.

"You know, you needn't make a fool of yourself," he says. "You wanted me to kiss you. It couldn't have been more obvious. I told you already—I'm more than happy to fuck you if that's what you want. It's unnecessary to make a performance out of trying to get my attention."

Thenerveof this man.

He murdered five people in twenty-four hours because they were causing me problems. He kissed me last night and left me burning, then jerked off in the shower while moaning my name. Not half an hour ago, he grabbed my ass and pressed his cock against me, leaving my pussy throbbing and soaked. And he has the gall to act likeI'mthe one who's going crazy forhim?

The intelligent bit of my brain that tries to protect me from my stupidity is AWOL. The rest of me wants to ride Vlad until his eyes roll back in his head. I'm sure I wouldn't be so hot for him if I didn't hate him, but it's how my idiot brain is wired. Wicked men with bad attitudes do it for me every time, but they always hurt me in the end.

I rationalize it by telling myself that if I fall in line with Vlad's plans, he's less likely to hurt anyone I care about. I'll get out of this situation quickly and with minimal collateral damage. It's the best way to ensure my parents' safety.

Yep. That's it. It's about survival. So why can't I resist running my mouth?

"You want me more than you're willing to admit," I say, "so drop the take-it-or-leave-it act. I'm sure you could have all the anonymous sex you desire, as long as you don't actually speak to the woman in question."

"Charming." Vlad drapes his arms over the back of the couch. "For your information, I don't fuck around. I'm a billionaire and the heir to a bratva throne, which makes me a prime target for the classic baby trap. So I don't trust anyone."

I can't help but laugh. "So if someone wants to sleep with you, they must have an ulterior motive?"

He shrugs. "I can't be certain they don't. So I keep my dalliances to a minimum."

"And your shower masturbation to a maximum?"

Shit. That's way too close to the mark.

I fill the silence. "You know, because men do that. Less mess."

Vlad knows I'm thinking about him jacking off, and he grins. "You're right. And I'm nothing if not efficient."

A server appears, brandishing a tray.

"Thanks," Vlad says, shooing him away. He takes the cover off the platter, releasing a spicy aroma. "Jambalaya with king prawns," he says. "Nothing too heavy." He scoops rice into a bowl, and I grab a spoon, grateful for something that might take away the bubbly emptiness in my stomach. We fall silent for a few minutes as we eat.

"You know, when we first met, I thought you were a knight in shining armor."

Vlad snorts. "Seriously. How wrong can you be?"

"I'm wondering about that, but not for the reasons you might think. Lilyana seems to believe there's more to you than this cold, sardonic persona you're playing up. Dulcie said the same."

His shoulders stiffen. "I have obligations to my family, Morgana. That means my heart cannot rule me. I keep my emotions under tight control."

"If you say so. But this so-called pretend marriage is getting to you, isn't it? You like me, and you think that might make you seem weak. Am I right?"

Vlad sighs. "Yes. But it's superficial, Morgana. You look good, you feel good. I like the fire in your belly. I'll be proud to have you at my side, and marrying you is no hardship, but don't dig any deeper. You won't find anything good. Lock away your heart as I have, and we will both get through this unscathed." He leans against the couch and tips his head back, closing his eyes. "Who knows?" he adds, his tone unconvincing. "Maybe it'll be fun."

My head is spinning. The fizz is hitting hard now I'm out in the fresh air.

Vlad had his mother's adoration but at a high cost. Now she's gone, he only has his father's warped interpretation of love. He's forgotten how beautiful it can be, and I'm sad for him.
