Page 29 of Ruined Beauty

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"Um, yeah, hi, yeah," Josie stammers. "Let me get changed. These dresses are okay, right, Morgana?"

"Looks more than okay to me," Sasha says. Josie laughs too loudly, and I catch Morgana cringe a little.

"We'll wait outside for you, ladies," I say, spinning Sasha by his shoulder and ushering him out the door.

"That woman is fucking gorgeous," Sasha murmurs. "Bridesmaids are supposed to get laid at weddings, right?"

"Nothing to do with me. Try not to fill the house with her screams on my wedding night. I can do without sibling rivalry in that arena."

"Youwishyou could compete with me." Sasha raises an eyebrow. "I heard screams last night, though."

I'm not about to tell my playboy brother that instead of fucking my fiancée, I was consoling her as she struggled through her night terrors.

Lilyana and Josie appear, carrying their dresses in their own garment bags. Sasha holds the boutique door open.

"I'll take you home first, Lili," he says as he walks behind them. "Josie, you live in Brooklyn, right? I'd have been happy to collect you this morning."

I enter the lounge to find Morgana tidying.

"Leave it," I say. "Aida will clean up after you."

"No one taught you to pick up after yourself?" Morgana shakes her head. "I guess this happens when you're rich enough for your cleaners to have cleaners."

I grab her hand and put the empty champagne glass on the table. "Don't bait me, Morgana. I've got a lot on my mind."

She looks me in the eye, then relents. "So you're in charge. What do you want to do now?"

"You really wanna know?" I pull her closer to me. "Why are you wearing my shirt and," I breathe in deeply, "my aftershave? What are you trying to do?"

"Trying?" she says, locking her gaze onto mine. "Or am I succeeding, Vladi? Because I'm annoying, combative, bitchy, ungrateful, and in every way not what a good mob wife should be." She bites her lip. "And you love it. Don't you?"

My arm steals around her waist. "Guess what I did for you this morning."


"I killed Vito Serra."

Morgana tries to pull away, but I grip her tightly, pressing my body against hers. She loses her footing slightly, and I catch her ass in my hand.

"You're crazy!" she gasps. "You can't just murder people and then say you did it forme. I never asked you to."

"Who is gonna stop me,lisichka? We're paid up with the law. Our rivals know to keep out of our business. So if I wanna make some loser scream apologies while I bleed the life out of them, then burn the corpse in front of their loved ones—well, yeah. I can fucking do that."

Morgana's hand is in my hair, the other under my shirt, fondling my hipbone. I wonder if she even knows she's doing it. My cock thickens as I hold her in place.

"You wanna know what I think?" I say, taking her chin in my hand and looking into her eyes.


"You want to hate me and everything I am, everything I stand for. But youdon't. Who else can do whatIdo? I'm a man who will kill for you, and it turns you on."

Morgana closes her eyes, her lips parting. I draw in her breath as I lower my mouth to hers.

Aida opens the door. "Mr. Kislev, I just made up the bill for you. Would you like to—" She stops when she sees us. "I'm sorry. I should have knocked."

Morgana has already retreated. Her cheeks are flushed, but she won't look at me.

I pay the invoice without even looking at the balance due. Any amount is worth it.
