Page 43 of Ruined Beauty

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My husband is now standing alone, leaning on the glass wall of the conservatory. He catches my eye but doesn't smile, shifting his gaze into the distance. I knock back the Martini, warmth flooding my senses, and go to him.

Vlad can break the mold. He can be the man he needs to be. The man Iwant. He just has to believe it, too.



Aman is standing a few feet away, holding court with a couple of his cronies. He hasn't noticed I'm watching him.

I know the guy. A banker called Lewis something. He used to be on the board at one of our companies, but his shady dealings came to the attention of the police, so we fired him. He got off the fraud charges, but it cost him plenty, and we contributed to the bill to apologize for shunning him in public.

His friend is talking to him, but he's not paying attention. Instead, his eyes keep sliding across the terrace and settling on my wife's body.

I knock back my drink, keeping hold of the glass, but before I can make a move, Morgana appears in front of me.

"You are standing alone at your wedding reception, looking like you're waiting for a root canal appointment. What's the matter, husband?"

Over her shoulder, I see Lewis nod at Morgana's ass. He leans to say something in his friend's ear, and they both break into sneering grins.

"That fucker over there has a death wish," I say, keeping my voice low. “Excuse me,lisichka.I have to make a scene."

Lewis clocks me before I reach him. He throws his hands in the air, spilling his drink on his jacket.

"Vladimir! I was just saying how beautiful she—"

I grab his lapel and knee him firmly in the gut, making him stumble backward. He drops his drink as the balcony rail presses against his lower back. I smash the rim of my glass against the railing, holding the jagged edge to Lewis's cheek. Everyone has fallen silent and is staring at me, but I don't give a shit.

"You mean my wife? My fuckingwife? How dare you move your eyes over what's mine, you disrespectful piece of—"

"Vladi." I glance around to see Morgana shaking her head. "Stop."

I fling the glass to the ground. Lewis is still frozen in shock, and I set him back on his feet.

The man is drunk, stupid, or both. He belches and speaks again as I turn away.

"Taking orders from some piece of pussy," he says under his breath. "How the mighty have fallen."

A red mist descends in my mind. My eyes meet Morgana's, and I know she heard what he said.

I spin around and deliver a forceful kick to Lewis's stomach, sending him toppling off the balcony. "Who's fucking falling now?" I shout after him.

Lewis screams as he smashes into David's Mercedes, fucking it up entirely. A quick glance confirms the mouthy bastard is dead.

My father is sitting nearby in his wheelchair. He laughs so hard that Dulcie has to run and help him with his oxygen mask. Morgana turns away from me, returning to her shocked parents, and David claps his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Okay, nothing to see here," he says. "Let's get on with our evening."

The music restarts, and the hubbub of conversation rises. David approaches me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Lewis planned to run for Congress next year, and the man owed us big. So congratulations on ruining my carandyour bratva's chance to put a puppet in Washington."

I scowl. "I don't fucking care, David. Leave me alone. I did what Papa asked of me and got married against my will. Isn't it enough?"

I give David my back and almost walk straight into my wife.

"My parents are leaving," she says. "It's too much for them. Being married to you is gonna be this way, isn't it? You'll dance with me and break my heart with your kisses, yet kill in cold blood anyone who shows me a modicum of disrespect?"

I'm trying to listen to her, but Dulcie is waving at me to get my attention.
