Page 44 of Ruined Beauty

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"Yes. No one offends you and lives." I meet her eyes. "I'm sorry. You're right. The codicil in Papa's will is now in effect, and when he dies, I'll be sworn in as Pakhan. Then, if you choose to leave, I won't stop you." I take her hand and bring it to my lips, kissing her palm. "I couldmakeyou stay, but I won't. Perhaps you'll consider remaining by my side when the time comes."

In my peripheral vision, I see Dulcie beckoning me urgently.What the fuck is wrong now?

"Gotta deal with something," I say to Morgana. "Hang out with Josie. Enjoy yourself."

"She left. She thought Sasha was ignoring her, so she drank too much and ducked out early. I don't mind, though. I'm gonna go to bed." A question hesitates on her lips before rushing out. "Do you expect to join me there tonight?"

"Expect?" I release her hand. "No. But I dare to hope."

My wife grants me a wry smile before she walks away.

I dodge through the guests, catching Dulcie near the elevator. She grips my arm.

"Your father isn't doing so well, Vladi. He wants to see you immediately."

* * *

Papa's breathing comes in harsh rasps. He's sitting in the chair beside his bed, his oxygen mask in his hand.

"You should use that," I say as I walk in. "Or not. It won't make much difference in the end."

He scowls. "Big, bad Vlad. Except you're not, are you? I saw how you looked at that girl when she walked toward you in the church. How you kissed her. And now poor Lewis is being scraped off the sidewalk, and forwhat? I taught you better than that."

"Don't bring Morgana into it." I sit on the edge of the bed. "I got married, and you got what you fucking wanted."

"No, I didn't." Papa coughs into his elbow, and I see blood on his sleeve. "I did what was necessary to ensure my oldest son was strong enough to lead.Nowlook at you. Do you think loving your wife will make you better than me? Soft-hearted, you are. Still clinging to memories of your Mama's coddling like a little boy. "

"I've heard it all before, Papa. What do you have left to threaten me with? The marriage is official, and I met your will conditions."

"David will be your second," Papa says. "Not Sasha or Avel or anyone else. And he will more than likely try to take the bratva from you. Can you stop him?"

"You bastard. You couldn't resist fucking with us all from beyond the grave. Why didn't you just hand the bratva to David in the first place and spare me all this?"

"Because David didn't pay his dues like you and I did," Papa hisses. "Your grandfather ignored David and put all his energy into me. David must have the courage totakewhat he wants rather than have it handed to him."

Pitting people against each other has always been Papa's strongest suit. For every winner, there must always be a loser.

"YouwantDavid and I to destroy each other?"

Papa shrugs. "One of you will come out on top. The strongest. The one who deserves to be Pakhan." He grins at me, showing his yellow teeth. "I won't live to see whether your Mama's ways or mine will be the making of you, but you will find out soon enough."

"Everything's a game to you, isn't it?" I get to my feet. "You think you won? Look around. When you die, neither I nor your other children will mourn you as a father. Will your empire lament your death? Does your money love you back? Will the associates and cronies you know so well shed a tear for you? Living without love didn't make you strong, Papa. It made you lonely and bitter, and now you see me choosing differently, you're feeling it. Aren't you?"

Papa closes his eyes. "I chose power and control. My heart is too hardened to know loneliness, so if you're hoping I'll relent and beg your forgiveness, forget it. Don't go looking for my regrets. I have none."

I put my mouth beside his ear. "Everything ismine. All the money, the entire empire. You made me suffer my whole life for this bratva's future, so I'll be damned if anyone takes it from me."

I don't know if Papa is listening to me. He seems peaceful now. He knew his passing wouldn't bring grief, so he settled for paranoia and tension instead.

"We will bury you with the respect a pakhan deserves," I say, "but weeds will grow around your headstone. Your velvet portrait will be unhung. And I'll take Mama's wedding ring to the man she truly loved and put it into his hand."

My father's head whips around. He starts to say something but chokes on his words, his chest convulsing as he hacks.

"For myself, my brothers, Lilyana, and Mama, I say this, Sergey Ivanovich Kislev." I smile at his stricken face. "Fuck you."

I leave the room on fast feet, ignoring the bellows of rage behind me. My thoughts are clearer than they've ever been.

I need my wife.

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