Page 65 of Ruined Beauty

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I wait until Lili goes to her room to ask the question.

"How did you know where we were?"

Vlad stops tinkering with the piano and stares at me. "What?"

"Don't give me that." I fold my arms. "You had no reason to assume we were in the park."

"Are you honestly surprised to learn I'm tracking you?" he asks. "I installed the software on your phone the day I brought you here. You're always leaving the damn thing lying around."

My mouth drops open. "And Lilyana?"

"She has a medic alert bracelet. It has a tracking chip in the strap."

"Vladi, normal people don't do that."

"I'm not a normal person." He stands and reaches for me. "This lifestyle is perilous,lisichka. And however much you wanna pretend you can do what you want, you can't. Not without taking precautions."

"Precautions likethis?"

I open my blazer to reveal a compact pistol nestled at my hip. Vlad points at it.

"Holy fuck. Where did you get that?"

"I found the armory in the basement. You really ought to lock it. Did you think I wouldn't take matters into my own hands?"

He grins and reaches for the weapon, drawing it from the holster. He puts it in my hand. "Do you know how to fire it?"

I hold the gun out in front of me. "Like this. Don't worry, I won't point it at you."

"I'm not worried." He takes the pistol and taps the side. "Thatis the safety switch. You need the little red dot to be visible, or it won't fire."

I frown. "But when you killed Bruno, you just drew your gun and shot him without a pause."

"That's becausemygun is a Glock and doesn't have safety." He raises an eyebrow. "I'm used to firearms, but you have no idea what you're doing, Morgana. I'm seriously pissed at you for carrying a gun without my knowledge. But you didn't shoot me, which is something."

"First time for everything." I raise an eyebrow, and he smirks. "Don't think you can keep me under lock and key just because you love me, Vladi. That's not how it works. I stay on my own terms."

He nods. "I understand. No gilded cage for you, and I'll teach you how to handle a pistol. But let me take out Cassius first. He has two bratvas out for his blood. Backing the man into a corner could make him lash out. There's no telling what he'll do."

"He's earned what's coming to him," I say as Vlad pulls me into his arms. "I regret nothing I did. He sure as hell lost no sleep over hurting me."

"He joined a bratva and got out of jail early." Vlad strokes my hair. "That's impressive. Thanks to you and me, he's lost that forever. His number is up."

The front door bangs and David is there.

"Vladi, you're not gonna fucking believe this," he says."

Vlad lets go of me. "What?"

"The stupid bastard went to Nico, looking for a hiding place. How dumb is that? Nico didn't keep that information to himself, not after Arman scared him so much. He's so desperate to get back into your good books. It's pathetic. He called me while Cassius was there at his house."

I'm shaking.Please say you got him.

"What happened?" Vlad asks.

"I told Nico to keep him there and called Sasha, planning on turning up and getting the drop on Cassius, but something went wrong. Nico called me back, gibbering like a moron, and when we arrived, he'd shot Cassius in the face with a shotgun. Hell of a fucking mess."

I feel a stab of vicious glee. Cassius' Jack' Jackson died as he lived—horribly and violently. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.
