Page 64 of Ruined Beauty

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The last time I went to the pond was the day Vlad and I met. My life was hanging by a thread, and he swept in and saved me. I just didn't realize it, and neither did he.

Arman usually insists on supervising Lili, but he's too anxious, too keen to bring her home to safety. When Vlad said he needed to hold a meeting this morning, I jumped at the chance to accompany his little sister on her walk. She's coming out of her shell, getting stronger and bolder daily.

Lili sits near the water's edge, weaving strands of grass. I join her.

"You don't need anyone to supervise you out here," I say. "When all this stuff with Cassius is over, I'll talk to Vladi and get him to let you out on your own. You're an adult, anyway. It's not up to him what you do."

She smiles. "He's afraid something will happen to me. I guess he thinks he has to keep me safe now because he didn't before. Not that I think it was his fault, but he never got over it."

"I know." I take her hand. "He'll get better."

"That's because of you. He's so happy, Morgana. Even with all this scary stuff happening, he's calm. Centered." She sighs. "Your love makes him strong. He'd never have believed that in a million years."

The sunshine bathes the treeline, dappling us with spots of bright light. I grab my camera and take a snap of Lili before she can stop me.

"Morgana!" She pulls a face. "Why?"

"It felt like a moment worth capturing." I make a frame with my fingers and look through at her, making her giggle. "You're free, Lili. Free from your father and his abusive hate. Vlad is changing, and the rest of the family is following because he's a leader. Did you ever think you'd sit peacefully by the pond and not feel anxious?"

"You're right. I am calm." Her eyes widen. "I can't remember feeling relaxed out in the world. There's so much I could do! I never thought about it before. Maybe I could be a concert pianist!"

My heart aches with pleasure to see her so happy. Her father made her believe she was defective and her family's shame. Although Vlad loved her, he was afraid and kept her close for her safety. It's as though she's emerging from her chrysalis, her painted wings drying and unfurling in the sun. Her future is shining on her, full of possibilities.

Josie appears on the path, waving. "I got your text and dashed out for a few minutes. Sasha is out of the office, and I have so much to do."

"How is the job?" I ask. "I don't really know what you do."

"I make dirty money nice and clean by sifting it through thousands of transactions and fake companies." She grins. "It's kinda satisfying. Every business and bank takes my call, no matter when I ring. The best thing about organized crime is you're never left on hold." She cocks her head at Lili. "When did you get released into the wild? Get a tan. Your perfect milky complexion is unacceptable."

Lili nods and gives Josie a military-style salute. "You and Sasha are a thing, right?" she asks.

Anguish flashes over Josie's features instantly before she shoves it down. "No. We're friends, and he's kinda my boss too, so it wouldn't be right."

"I knew Vladi was into Morgana beforehedid," Lili says, raising an eyebrow.

Josie laughs. "I'm not convinced you're a matchmaker extraordinaire based on one example." She glances at her watch. "Gotta go. I'm a successful Noo Yawk Siddy businesswoman and have no time for gadabouts like you two."

Josie dashes off, and we're about to make a move when I see Vlad storming toward us. His body language suggests he's unhappy; I have a good idea why.

"You scared the shit out of me! Your ex is out there somewhere, possibly looking for a chance to hurt you, and you're wandering around the fucking park?"

"We're sitting still, not wandering," Lili says. "It's okay, Vladi. Nothing happened. We got some iced tea and doughnuts and chilled out in the sunshine." She furrows her brow. "Until you showed up yelling, we were having a good time."

Vlad ignores her and addresses me. "You're a liability, Morgana. You can't protect Lili; even if you could, who is protectingyou? Both of you are my responsibility to keep safe from harm, but you need to fucking listen to me."

Liliyana sniffs. She's trying not to cry. Doesn't he understand what this means to her?

"Stop it," I say. "Just shut up. Lili is fine, I'm fine. You can't always be there, Vlad. There's no level of control you could exert that would eliminate all risk."

"Alright." He exhales slowly. "But don't push me. I've put all our resources into finding Cassius, and until he's out of the picture, I'm extremely antsy." He turns to Lili. "I'm sorry. Was there something you wanted to do today?"

"No." Lili stands and stretches. "Let's go home."

* * *
