Page 74 of Ruined Beauty

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I'm parked on Sagg Street, staring along the road. It wasn't until I was driving that I remembered I'd taken the one gun I brought with me into the house, so I'm not even fucking armed.

Morgana could have been anywhere, and I expected to see her toting a takeout bag and complaining about the lack of cell phone reception. I asked some people, but no one had seen her en route.

I'm struggling to drag the air into my lungs, which burn with the exertion. My phone is on the passenger seat, and as I will it to ring, it lights up. I grab it and swipe to green.

"Morgana, is that you?"


"David?" I squeeze the phone, wanting to hurl it out the window. Every second I spend talking to him is a second where Morgana can't reach me. "What the fuck is going on?"

David sighs deeply but doesn't reply. The silence lasts too long.

"What did you do?"

"I fucked up, Vladi." David sounds old and so much like my father. It's like hearing his voice from beyond the grave. "I thought you would be a lame duck and lead our bratva to ruin. At least, that's what I told myself. Your father and grandfather led me to believe the only way to get what I wanted was by force. When Sergey died, I felt like it was my right to control the bratva. I may not have been groomed to lead, but it doesn't mean I didn't deserve a chance."

"Cassius isn't dead, is he?" I yell. "You spun me a fucking lie and sent the bastard after me when my guard was down."

"I was going to, but I didn't. Cassius wanted you dead, but I paid him off instead. You gave me a share and treated me like an equal, Vladi. I had never experienced that before, and I never expected it. I'm sorry. You're not your Papa, and it's a damn good thing."

"There's nothing you can fucking say now. You know that, right? Lilyana is in the hospital, and my wife is missing." I can no longer restrain myself, and my words drip with rage. "David. Where thefuckis my wife?"

"I don't know. But it may be too late. I saw Lilyana lying in that hospital bed and realized what I'd done. I couldn't take it back. I really thought he'd take the money and go…"

David says nothing more. I hear a rustling sound like he's setting the phone down somewhere.


A gunshot from the other end of the line.

The treacherous piece of shit took himself out rather than face the music.Of course.

I turn the car around and head back to the house. Maybe Morgana is there, and if she isn't, I have no doubt Cassius will show up looking for me.

The phone rings again, and Morgana's number appears on the screen. I answer it, certain it's Cassius calling to gloat.

"Where is my wife? If you've harmed a hair on her head, I swear to God I'll—"

"It's me," Morgana says, her voice hoarse. She sounds like she's been crying forever. "I'm okay, Vladi. Please don't shout."

"Holy shit," I say, my voice breaking from sheer relief. "I never thought I'd hear your voice again. God help me,lisichka. I nearly lost my mind."

"You don't have any back-up," she whispers. "You’re alone out here. Justgo."

"Never." The very thought makes me sick with anger. "I'm your husband. I swore to protect you. This is my fault." I punch the steering wheel hard. "But know this. That fucker will wish for hell long before I send him there."

A muffled sound, then Cassius's voice, loud in the speaker. "Vladimir motherfucking Kislev! How's tricks," he adopts a sarcastic tone, "tovarishch?"

"You had money," I say. "A chance to start again. Still, you came after us. Why?"

"I wanted to go back to Trusov. I knew you wouldn't let it happen—youwanted me dead. So don't give me that shit. You set this entire chain of events in motion.Youmurdered Hektor and Serra. You're the one who insisted on tracking me down to avenge Morgana. Andyouthreatened Trusov, putting me in a position where I was fighting for my life. What did youthinkI would do? I'm smart. Strong."

Morgana told me he's terrified of appearing weak. Does he think abducting one defenseless woman makes him look powerful?
