Page 75 of Ruined Beauty

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"Yeah, you fucking bet." I'm approaching the long drive to the house, and I switch off the car's headlamps, slowing to a crawl. "I'm guessing you don't have your own Hamptons home-from-home. I assume you've helped yourself to mine?"

"Yep." Cassius cackles and I realize he's losing it. "Better hurry if you want to say goodbye."

* * *

The glass in the front door is broken, and the door is ajar. I pick my way through the shards as I enter the hallway.

"Cassius!" I shout. "Let's talk about it."

Silence.Morgana is already dead, or he's keeping her quiet. If he hurt her, I don't know what I'd l do. What's worse than death? I'd have to make him suffer in every imaginable way before I sent him into eternity's merciless clutches.

My gun is under the bed upstairs, where I can reach it easily at night. The house isn't huge, and it's mostly open plan, but it's now dark, and there are still plenty of places to hide.

So when I enter the lounge, it's a shock to see Cassius standing there, a long blade at Morgana's throat. The candle Morgana lit earlier is still burning on the table, and shadows flicker on the wall.

"Let's find out if you love her, shall we?" he sneers.

I look at my wife. Her face is streaked with tears, but her eyes are aflame, and I see blood running down her neck. For a sick moment, I think he's slashed her throat, but when I look again, I realize the cuts are superficial. For now.

"Of course I love her." I take a step back and raise my hands. "I'll call it off, Cassius. Just let her go. Her life for yours."

"I'm already dead, remember? Why should I accept any assurances from you?" He grips Morgana tightly, drawing a gasp from her. "And besides, whether I leave here or die, I'm taking Morgana with me. You don't deserve a happy ending, nor does a slut like her." He grins at me. "Surely the pakhan of the Kislev bratva can do better than my sloppy seconds?"

I clench my fists.

"I'll go with him." Morgana's voice is small and resigned. "Don't risk fighting for me. Go home to your family, Vladi. They need you."

"Lisichka, I can't do that.Ineedyou."

"Oh, this is fucking pathetic," Cassius says, laughing. "Isn't love grand? All it got you was a whore wife and a bratva that's crumbling under the weight of your failure. Was it worth it?"

I hold Morgana's gaze but speak to Cassius. "Yes. A weak man like you wouldn't understand."



Whatever Cassius's plan was when he showed up here, he didn't think it through. Maybe he thought Vlad would panic or capitulate to save my life, and he could enjoy having the upper hand before killing Vlad and stealing me away. Does he think the rest of the Kislevs would take that outcome lying down? That Trusov, terrified and eager to please, wouldn't hand him over at the first opportunity?

"This won't work, Cassius," I say. "Don't do this."

He isn't listening to me. His body is tense, and his hand shakes, quivering the blade against my skin. I lean away from it, but he doesn't notice.

I see what's up.

I told my husband all about my vicious ex and his insecurities. Cassius's festering fears drove him to abuse me, trying to prove to himself that he was the powerful one.

Vlad can see Cassius is unraveling. Making him angry enough to lose control is a risky strategy but the best chance we have. I'm afraid but somehow calm, and I look at Vlad, telling him with my eyes.

Do it.Make him mad. Tear at that psychological wound until the bastard can't take it anymore.

"If you weren't such a pussy," Vlad says, "you'd have more respect. Ira Trusov would value you more. He didn't eventryto fight for you."

Cassius growls under his breath. He presses the knife against me, cutting me anew, but he's not focused on me. He's fixated on Vlad.

Vlad steps closer, and I understand what he's doing. If he puts himself within reach of Cassius's arm, he might lash out at him with the knife, giving me a chance to escape.

I blink away tears.Oh, God, please.Don't let Vlad die defending me.
