Page 76 of Ruined Beauty

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"Your father knew, didn't he, Cassius?" Vlad smiles, and Cassius flinches. "He said as much. That you wouldn't have the strength to do what's necessary. I think he was right."

My husband's features twist into an ugly sneer, chilling me to the bone. He's channeling his father now, putting Sergey's bile and vitriolic disgust behind every word. He evenlookslike him.

We measure the space between life and death in moments. Any second, Cassius could spring to action and slit my throat. He could plunge the blade into Vlad's chest. Nothing is stopping him. Yet he stares at Vlad, paralyzed by the words he heard so many times when he was a helpless child.

"Is that why your dad left?" Vlad edges nearer. "He couldn't bear to look at his weak, scrawny kid anymore? You got in the gym since then, but it's not enough. Did you really think you could command respect in a bratva? You couldn't even keep control of Morgana. She got you thrown in fucking jail." He grins. "Nowthat'spathetic. Did the other cons fuck you? They usually know a little bitch when they see one."

Cassius throws me to the ground, and I hit my head on the table, sending the still-lit candle rolling across the carpet. He hurls himself at Vlad, but he's not quick enough, and as Vlad moves aside, Cassius loses his balance. He plunges his blade into Vlad's thigh as he falls.

"Vladi!" I try to get to my feet, but my head is swimming. I grab Cassius's ankle and sink my teeth into his shin, and he kicks me in the face with his other foot, dropping his knife. Vlad reaches for the blade, but Cassius stamps on his injured leg and gets to it first.

"Get the gun, Morgana!" Vlad cries. "You know where it is! Run and get it!"

I'm on my feet, my head pounding. The room is brightening, and in a detached way, I'm aware of heat as the drapes catch alight, flames licking toward the ceiling.

Vlad is still yelling, but I can't hear him anymore. All the sounds have faded to a peaceful, droning static.

Stay awake, Morgana. Stay alive!

Cassius is moving toward me fast, the knife in his hand. I spin and run for the stairs.

The gun is under the bed the gun is under the bed the gun is under the bed—

He's on my heels, snatching at my legs. I wait until I reach the landing before slamming my elbow behind me at head height, hoping for the best. The bone connects with Cassius's nose, and he roars as he falls back down the stairwell.

I scramble down the passage toward the bedroom, pinballing off the walls. My legs graze on the carpet as I grab the gun under the bed. When I emerge, Cassius is framed in the doorway, growing larger as he races toward me.

"You're gonna die, you little bitch!"

A bolt of adrenaline fires through my body, powering my limbs, and I slam the door in Cassius's face. He smashes his shoulder into it as I slide the deadbolt. I lean on the door, holding it closed, and he slams his shoulder into it again and again, the wood splintering more with each impact. I whimper, tears running down my cheeks.

"Let me in, bitch! I shoulda just murdered you before you fucked me over. How many times you gotta ruin my life?"

He's gonna kill me.Just like I always feared he would.

I'm panicking, the edges of my vision growing fuzzy as I struggle to breathe. I can't hold this door shut for long. He's stronger than I am. The gun is in my hand, but I can barely see.

Slam.I brace my legs, trying to stay on my feet. Tears run down my cheeks.

"I'll show your precious head to Vlad before I kill him, shall I? Or is he burning?"

What did Vlad tell me to do?

Slam.My back bounces off the door.

Take the safety off.My fingers shake as I fumble for the switch, but I can't find it.

Slam. Slam. Slam.

Wait.It's Vlad's Glock. It doesn't have a safety switch.

"You're fucking dead, Morgana!"

Smoke billows past the window outside. Ihaveto do this. It'll only take one more good barge to smash this door, and I must be ready.

I leap away from the door, twisting as I fall to the ground. The battered wood buckles and Cassius is in the room. I wheel around and level the pistol at his chest as he barrels toward me.

With a scream, I squeeze the trigger. Six shots at close range, one after the other. Bullets thump into Cassius's chest, and he spins, crumpling against the wall. I watch him for a moment, positive he'll get up again, but he's gone.

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