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Josie responds by blowing a bubble, her eyes locked on Logan.

I laugh, adjusting Josie in my arms. "Well, if we're too tired, we might have to cancel our evening plans."

"And what might those be?"

"Watching every season of 'Gossip Girl' while eating ice cream straight from the tub."

Speaking of gossip, you won't believe what this... Ethan is now in jail. Apparently, he got tied up in some kind of Ponzi scheme. Gina has already fled town, trying not to get caught with him. They say Ethan will be out on bail soon, but we all think this was enough to scare him straight.

"Oh, don't forget," I remind him. "Rachel's wedding shower is this weekend. We're going."

Logan's face brightens. He's always had a soft spot for Rachel's fiancé, the four of us spend so much time together, it feels like family.

"Sounds like a plan, ice princess," he says with a grin. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

The thought of the wedding shower brings back memories of our own wedding. We didn't have a traditional wedding. We opted for something smaller, more intimate, and eloped a few months after I moved in with Logan, when I was still pregnant with Josie. It was a sweet ceremony, just the two of us, celebrating our love and the new life we were bringing into the world. I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Logan comes over and kisses both of us goodbye.

"I love you, both"

There's a moment of silence that allows me to take in the perfection of our home together. My eyes drifts to Josie, her tiny, innocent eyes peeking up at me. It makes my heart ache.

"And we love Daddy very much, don't we?" I kiss her tiny forehead as she giggles, her baby coos filling the room.

I am overwhelmed by the love I have for this little being that Logan and I created. My mind wandering back to Logan. The spark in his eyes, his touch, his strength...

God, do I love that man.

And it's this love that has turned our house into a home, our relationship into a family. Reflecting on our journey, I can't help but feel incredibly lucky. I've found not just a partner in Logan, but also a best friend, a lover, and now, the most amazing father to our child.

As Logan walks out the door, I call after him, "Don't forget honey, you're on diaper duty tonight!"

"I'll take it. That's some premium-quality diaper time."

Our life isn't perfect, but it is ours and I wouldn't trade it for anything else.
