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He thinks he can waltz in here and charm everyone?

Let's see how charming he is after I throw him into the deep end.

My gaze lands on the most daunting task on his list: a complete analysis of last quarter's sales, including a detailed review of our biggest competitors.

That should keep him occupied—and out of my hair. Smiling, I make a note to myself:Give him the sales analysis first.

Now, let's see how the office's new golden boy handles that.

Logan finally waltzes through the door of my office without even a knock. His smile is infuriatingly charming. His dark hair is messy in that casual way, and his crisp white shirt is unbuttoned just enough to reveal a little of his toned chest.

"Finally decided to grace me with your presence?"

"I'm here to work, Bailey, not just to play barista." He leans against the door frame. "So, what's on the agenda today, boss babe?"

"Boss babe?" I narrow my eyes at him.

The audacity of this man.

"Do not call me that, Logan. My name is Bailey. Or Ms. Thompson, if that's more comfortable for you. We're in a professional setting, not at one of your frat parties."

"Touchy, are we? Alright, Bailey it is."

His casual use of my name ignites a fresh wave of annoyance. But I'm not going to let him see that, so I take a deep breath and point towards the stack of reports on his desk. "Here's your first task. Get familiar with these sales figures. I want a thorough analysis by the end of the day."

That will shut him up.

I push a thick folder across my desk. "You need to review the last quarter's sales, and write a detailed review of our biggest competitors."

"If you wanted to spend more time together, you could've just asked." He flashes me a charming grin. "Don't worry, boss lady, I can handle a little paperwork."

He takes the folder, and gets up, leaving me alone in my office. My eyes follow him as he walks out, his confident strides making it clear that he doesn't consider this task a challenge at all.

"See you later," he says, giving me one last infuriating wink before he disappears out of the door.

I slump in my chair, wallowing in a mixture of relief and frustration. I reach for my phone and start texting Rachel.

Logan = world'smost frustrating human.

If I have to spend one more second with him, I swear I'm going to lose it.

I hitsend and drop the phone on the desk.

The blue bubble pops up almost immediately. My phone buzzes with her response.

Logan Atwood?

The Logan Atwood?

The one with the jawline

that could cut diamonds?

That's the one.Ugh.

Your new trainee?

