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I standoutside Le Cochon Blanc, my dad's favorite restaurant in the city. The wind smacks me in the face.

Ahh... the Windy City bites again.

As I enter, the smell of truffle and seared beef hit my nostrils.

Dinner with Dad.

It's been a while since we've had any father-son time, not that I've been mad about it. Dinners with him make me feel like I'm back in high school— perpetually inadequate. Or maybe I'm the one who feels like the black sheep in this family of success.

I step into the dining area, and my eyes land on the far table. My dad is halfway through a glass of Chardonnay—a bottle of the same cradled in an ice bucket next to him.

"Logan." He motions for me to sit and pours me a glass.

White wine again.

I hate white wine.

I've told him a thousand times, but it hits the same brick wall every time.

“Good to see you, son." He’s a man of few words, and the conversation doesn’t venture far from the surface. “How are you?”

“I’m good." I know better than to give away too much. My dad, after all, could turn the most innocent of chats into a game of chess.

Switching gears, Dad asks, “So, how are things going with Bailey at work?”

“Bailey? Oh, she's a delight, as always.” The sarcasm drips from my words. “She spends her days trying to pretend like I don't exist. It’s adorable, really.” I take a sip of the damned white wine, allowing the bitter taste to help keep my emotions in check.

I'm not about to let him see how much Bailey actually gets under my skin.

He leans back in his chair. “Bailey’s doing well, son. Really well. But…” He trails off, swirling the wine in his glass. “You know that my dream is for you to take over the company.”

"I know, Dad. Trust me. I know.” I set the glass down. “But why me?”

“Because you’re my son, Logan. And it’s a father’s wish to see his son succeed him.”

“Dad, it has to be fair. The position should go to the best person for the job. It's not about family bullshit or entitlements, it's about competency.” I pause, thinking about Bailey and her skills. “Bailey's good, Dad. She's got the passion, the drive, and the brains. Just because I share your DNA doesn't mean I'm the best for the company."

As my father opens his mouth to respond, a voice cuts through.

“Hope I’m not interrupting anything important.”

My gaze shifts from my father to the all too familiar face next to me.

What the fuck is he doing here?

Heat rises into my cheeks and my hands immediately ball into fists.

It's Ethan. My brother.

I feel my jaw tighten—surprise and anger hitting me. It's been years since we've spoken.


I turn my attention back to Dad. "Did you plan this?" My eyes narrow.

"I wouldn't have had to involve Ethan if you were interested in taking the position, Logan."

The mention of Ethan's interest in the position makes my blood boil.

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