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Finally, the last box is unpacked. I've officially moved in. I smile and toss the folded cardboard into the corner with the other folded empty boxes, ready to go to recycling. I stand back and survey my new apartment. It looks amazing. Bright afternoon light filters through the big windows and I have gorgeous city views on two sides of my apartment - having been lucky enough to get a corner unit. I have kept the decor fresh and simple. Mostly because of my working hours, but also because I do not like clutter. It just means more things to dust and clean and I know I will not have much time for anything other than work. I did make sure to invest in a really comfy, big sofa though. When I do get some downtime, I am going to want to really relax and enjoy a movie with a nice glass of wine. You definitely need a very comfortable sofa for that. I can't believe I am finally here, living in the city, and finally finished nursing school. I am feeling quite proud of myself, to be honest. As I should be. I have worked damn hard to get here. I was top of my class at graduation and that came with a lot of sacrifice. I gave up my life for the past few years to focus fully and entirely on my career path. And it has paid off. I have been accepted as a surgical nurse with the top cosmetic surgeon in the industry.

Walking over to the kitchen counter I look at my new employment contract. The contract is printed on elegant, white stationary, from the offices of Lennox Blake. A world-renowned plastic surgeon. I wanted to apply for a job working on his surgeries because of his status as the best cosmetic surgeon in the business. If I want to excel in my own career I should aim to work with the best.

Actually, I know him, he is my father's best friend, I grew up with him being part of our family - visiting on weekends and such. I did not mention that in the interview though. I wanted to get this job based purely on my credentials.

I pick up the contract and file it away with the rest of my paperwork. It is signed and completed. I am excited about my new apartment and even more excited to start work at the hospital tomorrow morning. I got so lucky with this apartment. It's just down the road from the hospital so I'll be saving so much time with a short commute. Being a nurse is an exhausting job. Anything and everything I can do to make life easier for myself is a must. Less travel is a huge bonus. I can't even imagine how tired I am going to be on those double-shift days. I've heard the stories from other nurses. Coming home too tired to get undressed. Really though I am looking forward to every challenge that I am about to face. When I think about why I became a nurse it inspires me to be the best nurse I can possibly be. My dad has struggled with many health issues in his life, and I spent a lot of my time growing up taking care of him instead of out playing with friends. It was never a burden or something I found annoying. I love to make his life better in whatever way I can. I loved to find ways to help him when he was struggling. Anything I can do to help ease someone's pain or make their day easier and better makes me happier. He is the reason I became a nurse. He showed me where my calling was and encouraged me to follow my dreams. I owe so much to my parents who have helped me to get to where I am today.

I do a little walk around my apartment to make sure each room is exactly how I want it to be. Finally, I open my closet and take out my freshly cleaned and ironed nurse's uniform. My heart jumps with excitement as I hang it on the cupboard handle, ready for the morning.

Everything is perfect.

I sigh and run my fingers through my long chestnut hair, scooping it up into a messy bun. I can feel the exhaustion in my bones. It is all worth it though. My apartment is fully set up and I am one hundred percent ready to start my new job tomorrow.

Right now, though I need to worry about what I should make for dinner. Who am I kidding? I have no energy to cook. I think I should just pop downstairs and find a little takeout place. I'm sure I saw a Chinese restaurant and I would die for some chow mein right now. I glance down at what I am wearing, my pink tracksuit and bunny socks. I had better at least throw shoes on and hope I do not bump into anyone I know. I look a bit of a mess.

Locking my apartment door behind me I turn towards the elevators and bump into a tall, muscular man with salt and pepper short hair and a gruff-looking expression. He towers over me with a commanding presence. "Watch where you are going." He huffs at me. Rude. "Perhaps you should do the same?" I say back then realize I am looking into the piercing blue eyes of Dr. Lennox Blake. My new boss. My father's best friend. His expression changes a little as he looks down at me, his frown lines ease a bit and he smiles, moving quickly to press the elevator button. "Are you going down?" He says with a smile. Does he not recognize me? It doesn't seem so. I mean it has been a few years, but he was there for practically my entire childhood. "Yes. Down." I say, puzzled amusement on my face.

"So, were you visiting a friend here? A boyfriend? A beautiful girl like you must be inundated with boyfriends?" He smirks, clearly trying to be charming.

I roll my eyes. He obviously has no clue who I am.

"No, I just moved in." I don't even want to mention that he is my new boss, because I'm waiting for him to figure out who I am.

"Well, that's the best news I've heard all day." He holds out his hand for me to shake it. "I'm Lennox. It's absolutely a pleasure to meet such a beautiful creature as yourself."

"Emma," I say, not taking his hand. The girls at the hospital warned me that our boss is a bit of a ladies' man in his free time; they even mentioned he has an apartment for his extra curricular activities right here in the city. I guess I live right next door to it. Inwardly I roll my eyes again.

At least that tells me I live in a great neighborhood as Lennox Blake is a billionaire. He would've made sure to choose the best, even for his apartment.

The ride in the elevator is a little awkward as I wait for him to recognize me, but still, he doesn't. I laugh quietly; how can he be so self-centered that he can't even recognize me? It's not like my face has changed that much in the past few years, surely? "I would love to take you to dinner sometime, to welcome you to the neighborhood." He smiles at me, reaching out to touch my arm. I move away slightly, feeling a little annoyed. "Or better yet, I could cook you dinner. We could have some wine." He raises one eyebrow and throws me the slickest grin I imagine he has.

"No, thank you," I say politely, not wanting to be rude, but also not wanting to encourage his advances. He is my boss after all, and I will have to face him at work tomorrow. He looks confused. I bet your smooth lines, that strong jaw, and those muscular arms work on most girls, but sorry buddy, they will not be working on me. Especially not, seeing as tomorrow you will realize who I am. Should I tell him now? Will it make it more awkward than it already is? I decided against it. This elevator ride already feels like it is taking way too long, and I don't want to make it worse.

As we arrive at the ground floor Lennox winks at me, "I'm right next door if you change your mind or if you need - anything."

"Have a lovely evening, Lennox," I say and step out of the elevator before he can say anything else.

Ugh. That was actually creepy. I mean, wow… he is ridiculously handsome and creepy at the same time. But he was so blatant with his flirting that I actually felt a little dirty. I shake off the feeling and take a deep breath of the fresh afternoon air as I walk towards the Chinese restaurant. I can already taste the chow mein; I'm so hungry from this long day. It's nice to be out of the apartment. I had not realized, until now, that I'd been indoors all-day unpacking. A little walk will do me good. Then I can go home, eat my dinner, and have a little celebratory glass of wine to bring in the beginning of this new chapter of my life. And then I'll have a nice early night. As I am walking, I laugh again wondering how Lennox had not known who I was. I touch my face wondering how much I have changed over the past few years. He knew a little girl, not the woman I am today, but surely, he should still have known. It kind of shows me how self-centered he is. Well, it really does not matter. At least when he does recognize me, he will stop the flirting. I guess as soon as he knows I work for him he will stop the flirting. From what I understand from the other nurses who showed me around the hospital he does not date co-workers; his promiscuous reputation is apparently reserved for outside of work hours.

I shrug off the thoughts of Lennox. I want to enjoy my first day in my new apartment and the excitement of my new job.

I turn my eyes up to the sky as I walk amongst the tall city buildings. It is quite beautiful here with a bubbling energy that starts to fill me with even more excitement about my new life.



"Dr. Blake." My receptionist greets me as I walk into my office. "Hello, Carla. Is my schedule on my desk?" She nods, handing me my morning cappuccino. "Yes, along with a brief outline of your new surgical nurse starting today. She has got some excellent scores; I think she is a good one. Try not to scare her off like you do all the others. Give her a chance to settle in before you go all-out perfectionist on her."

I shoot Carla a sharp glare. She is around sixty years old and tends to hand out more shit than I like, but she is incredibly efficient, and I can never fault her for her organizational skills. "We shall see if she is cut out to work on my surgeries," I say and head into my office, sipping my coffee. Most scrub nurses come and go pretty quickly. I run a very strict ship - I expect the best and if they can't deliver that I need them to move on right away. I do not have time to teach people what they should already know.

Being a new surgical nurse is nothing exciting for me. It just means a fresh face in the operating room and around the hospital. I guess we will put her on trial today.

I glance at her sheet. Emma. She clearly did well at nursing school. I toss the page aside. The real test is in practice. I can't be bothered with the paperwork on these things. I pay closer attention to my schedule.
